32 - we; sun

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"Hey Y/N," you turned around to see Getou behind you. You sat on the swings of the playground of where you first met. "What are you doing here?

"Your parents are saints, so I doubt it's the same problems as yours," you chuckled softly. He nodded and took a seat on the other swing. His hair was down and he stared at the ground. "Are you alright?" You asked.

"Yeah," Getou sighed. "I just.. I'm tired."

"I've been meaning to ask you.. Are you on a diet or something?" He looked up at you confused. "You look like you lost a lot of weight, that's all."

"I just.. Eating so many curses just made me exhausted, I guess. Eating real food makes me sick."

"I'm sorry," you looked at him, apologetic. "I haven't really been around much to talk about things. Or make sure you're alright."

Getou grinned. "It's my fault too, don't take all the blame. Now that I think about it, I haven't heard you complain about your parents to me in a while."

"What do you mean, to you?" you raised a brow at him.

"We hear you through the walls of Nanami's room, complaining all the time," Getou smiled at you teasingly. You didn't notice the small hint of tiredness.

"We?" You asked.

"Me and Satoru, sometimes Shoko too."

"That's so embarrassing!" You whined, putting your head into your lap, as Getou laughed. Then you shot up suddenly. "Oh! I was meaning to tell you! My mom, my mother of all people, suggested I marr"-

"You marry Satoru, yeah, we heard that too."

"We?" You asked with wide eyes. "As in you and Shoko we or?" Getou nodded, knowing what you meant by we. You felt the heat rise to your face immediately. "I'm never talking to him again."

"You wanna know what he said?" You peered up to see his teasing smile and then immediately looked away. Giving in would admit you cared. And you did not care. "Oh come on, you wanna know. Every woman with taste has to have feelings for me and, or Satoru."

"Or maybe your heads are up your asses," you suggested.

"Alright, let your pride win this battle. Your curiosity will help me win the war though."

"Oh shut up," you laughed, throwing your head back. Your gaze fixed on a single star, the only star you could see for miles around. The others were too far away, or too small to care about that. You pointed up at it. "You see that star?"

Getou followed your gaze, easily spotting it. "What about it?"

"It feels like.. That star is Gojou. The one that shines the brightest, the one everyone has their eyes on."

"You're wrong," Getou said. You turned to him. He stared at the sky. "You're the star." He lazily raised his hand to point at the moon. "I'm the moon." He lowered his hands, while his head tilted up, and he stared at the cloudy sky. "And Satoru is the sun."

"Ah.. that makes more sense.." you agreed. "The world revolves around him. Don't tell him I said that though."

"Of course not."

"You know, I should be at a mission right now?" You crossed your arms as you glared at your father.

"What grade?"

"Second," you answered. He glared back at you.

"So it's not worth your time. And don't cross your arms, you know it's rude."

You uncrossed them and went back to simply glaring at him as you followed him through the halls. "I shouldn't be skipping out on assignments for some party."

"You're here to meet the mistress' son."

Your eyes widened. "Why?"

"He has the cursed blood technique," your father answered, his jaw clenching. "I've heard rumors of him being considered to be the heir. We're not standing for that.. But don't act indifferent with him. Be as sickly sweet as you always are."

You nodded, staying silent until he opened the door to a room in the Kamo estate. You walked inside, and saw a child. Smiling, you spoke. "You must Noritoshi-kun, right?"

The kid hesitantly nodded. "Yes."

"I'm Y/N," you said, taking long strides towards him. He stood up, and bowed. "Thank you." he straightened up and took a seat after you did. "I heard you have the same technique as me?" He nodded. "Care to show me?"

Noritoshi gave out his hand. He looked up at you, like he expected you to do it. You looked back at your father, who took a knife and grabbed onto Noritoshi's arm. He made a small cut on Noritoshi's shoulder. Noritoshi sighed, and focused, scrunching up his eyebrows. You bit back a smile, and watched as he controlled the blood, not as well as you did at that age, but quite mediocre.

"Wow, you're doing really well!" You grinned, giving him a thumbs up. Noritoshi seemed taken aback, since most Kamo's were all quite strict. You were never even a fraction of the praise you were giving Noritoshi at this very moment. "You know, cause you're the only nice person like me," you winked, lowering your voice, despite the fact that your father would be able to hear. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask, alright?"

Noritoshi nodded, before gulping. "Can I ask you one.. Right now?"

"Ask away." 

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