36 - no; one

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"You're wha-? Alright, give me one second." You ended the call, and rushed to the mirror, fixing your oversized clothes, trying to look semi presentable, even though it was your mother that showed up randomly in the evening.

You pat your hair, not really making much of a difference, but you ran to the door, opening it a much less rushed manner. "Hi, haha-ue," you smiled softly.

She slapped your face. "Your father had one wish!" She kicked her shoes off, not respectfully putting them to the side. "One! And it was to talk to you once!"

You winced. "Can we talk in the living room?"

In his room, Shoko had Gojou's arm twisted behind his back, pulling at his ear. Okashi guarded the door. "I swear she hit Y/N, Shoko"-

"Yes, she might've but if you're going into that situation, you're going to help make it better, not worse, or else Y/N is going to get it worse."


"If you were decent, her parents would be okay with your marriage, your whole relationship, and she wouldn't have had to choose between her family and you. They were fine with a marriage earlier on, because she wouldn't be given a higher position, as a female, in the Kamo family. But you," she twisted his ear harder. "Had to be insufferable."

"Alright, alright, I'll go in when I feel it's right." Shoko looked him up, baggy sweatpants, and shirt. She shook her head and let go of him, heading to his closet. Gojou glanced back at the door, where Okashi growled. He exhaled deeply before Shoko threw him a t-shirt- not too tight to showcase his body but also not so loose that it'd fall off his shoulders- and some pants.

"Why would I be wearing pants at this time?" Gojou asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"Because you're a hard working, busy boy," Shoko answered, patting his head. "Go change." Gojou began lifting up his shirt. "You have no decency, do you?"

Gojou looked up at her, when he had his shirt halfway up. "What?"

Shoko balled up the t-shirt she'd gotten for him and threw it at him. "You have a walk in closet for a reason, you rich bitch, so go change there."

Gojou easily caught the shirt and chuckled, nodding. He grabbed the pants as well before heading over to the change room, interrupted, however, by Okashi's scratches against the door.

"What is it boy?" Shoko asked, heading to the dog.

Gojou, realizing something was wrong, hurried in changing, not even fixing his hair when he gently pushed Okashi with his foot. The puppy barked lightly, quickly following after Gojou when he opened the door and left. Shoko sighed, and fell back on the Kamo-Gojou bed. She'd be here a while.

"I'm sorry haha-ue," you whispered as she sat down opposite to you, wiping away her tears. "I didn't know."

"But you know who did? Your husband!"

"Haha-ue, you have to understand. Every time you or Oto-san call me- called me- it's never for something good, so he was being a good husband-!"

"There is no such thing as a good husband," your mothers jaw clenched. "There is no perfect man in this world, no one we were made to be with. Women were simply made to be perfect."

"You've told me before," you sighed.

"No. I haven't told you enough. The woman in the world, in our world, must be the absolute best, which you've already failed to doThe men can do whatever they want, with no consequence for their actions, so we, as woman must choose the most respectable man, no matter how bad they treat their wives. But you did the exact opposite, choosing a disrespectful man such as Satoru who"-

"Who treats me well."

"For now."

"Oka-san, Satoru and I have been together for 8 years!"

Your mother stood up. "Oh yeah?! Wait until you have children! Children, they ruin it, ruin it all! The moment you have one, he'll become power hungry, he'll discard of you who is of no use to him besides the bearer of his children"-

"Do excuse me, Oka-san, but I will be nothing like your husband." You turned around to see Gojou in the hallway.. In a different outfit than before. He didn't have his blindfold or even his glasses on.

"Satoru, you don't have to get involved"-

"No." Gojou took a seat next to you. "Everything you get yelled at about seems to be my fault. So," Gojou turned to your mother, leaning forward, his arms resting on his legs. "Please do tell me, everything you don't trust me with."

She seemed taken aback for a second, before the rage was very clear. "Why would you even want to marry Y/N? She's.. She's not the prettiest woman in the world, neither is she the strongest. She's absolutely nothing compared to you, she's disobedient, she's disloyal, she's selfish"-

"Shut up!" You yelled. She did. You looked up at your mother, who seemed to forget her shock once she saw your eyes. She opened her mouth again, but was interrupted by you getting up. You took Gojou's hand and tried pulling him up but he wouldn't budge. "Satoru, just leave it alone, she's never going to stop."

"You can go," Gojou slipped out of your grasp, but adjusted his hand to hold yours gently and kiss your palm. "I just want to explain to her why I love you, yeah? Everything you already know."

You nodded hesitantly, leaning down to leave a quick kiss on his forehead, still frowning. Picking up Okashi, you both headed to the master bedroom, to get away from your mother. Gojou watched as Okashi snuggled against you, making you giggle lightly, making his eyes light up. Your mother stared at Gojou, still in disbelief at how he acted.

Once you were gone, Gojou looked back at your mother, glaring. "Look.. Oka-san. You're horrible relationship with your husband wasn't because of Y/N. It was because you both are assholes who deserve no happiness in life."

"Gojou Satoru that is no way to speak to your elders"-

"Oh but you're so young Oka-san," Gojou mocked. He glared back up at her. "Hurt my wife again, in any shape or form, and I won't hesitate to end you." Gojou got up, hands stuffed in his pants. He was about to walk off before remembering what Shoko said to him. He fell back onto the couch. 

"Ah, alright, I am sorry for your loss. Uh, I get.. That you're worried for Y/N- in your.. own way- but we.. on the topic of kids, I would never cast her aside. For anyone. If we expand the family, I'm loving everyone the same amount.. Honestly, right now, there's no one in the world I love more than her. I doubt a little powerful child will really beat her at that. So there's no reason for you to worry."

Your mother licked her lips. "She ruined my life."

"She's your daughter."

"She's his daughter."

"She's my wife." Gojou leaned back on the couch, smiling, with obvious malicious intent behind it. "I think that should be all, right Oka-san?"

Your mother grit her teeth, but nodded. "We should go for a cup of coffee. Satoru."

"Ah, ah, ah," Gojou grinned, getting up as your mother did. "I don't think my wife would like that very much. Oka-san." 

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