33 - okay;mood

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"Nanami!" You practically jumped onto the boy, tears flooding from your eyes. You couldn't see his eyes, they were wrapped by bandages. "I'm so so sorry! I should've- should've been there. I'm so sorry.."

Nanami hugged you tighter. "Its not your fault. I should've- shit. No, we weren't at fault. The higher ups.. They said it would be a case for second grades."

"Yeah," you mumbled into his shoulder. "You should rest though. I'm sure you're tired."

"Will you be okay?" He asked quietly, as you pulled back from the hug. You pat his head.

"As okay as you'll be." He nodded, not letting go of your hand until he was too far away to hold it.

You watched him go to his dorm, and let out a loud exhale after he shut the door. You rubbed your arms, feeling the tears build up in your eyes again. You bit your lip and rushed to your room, furiously wiping away any tears that fell.

When you made it to your room, you slammed the door shut and fell to the ground, sobbing into your arms.

What felt like hours later, there was a soft knock at the door. A knock that was drowned out to you by your cries.

Gojou slowly opened your door, to see you gasping for breath on the floor. "Hey, hey!" You looked up, to see him rushing to your side. You tried to wipe away your tears again, but they kept pouring out. "It's alright," he said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"I should've been there for them," you cried. "I- I could've handled it, it was a first grade. Bu- But.. I was- I wasn't there to help them! I wasn't there to help Yu!"

Gojou squeezed your shoulders. He had no idea what to say, but he knew he had to come and help you when he heard your cries through Getou's room. He figured all he could do was hold you and listen.

"He was my best friend," you whispered.

Gojou rested his head on yours. "I know."

Gojou woke up alone. He smelt the delicious smell of breakfast, smiling at the thought of you having enough time to be able to find the time for such a domestic thing. It was loved between the two of you, but it was rare.

He quickly got up, stretching as he headed to the kitchen. "Good morning love!" You called out as you heard him walk in.

"Morning beautiful," he yawned, getting close to you so he could rest his head on yours. "Thanks for making breakfast."

"I thought you deserved it," you turned around, flashing him a smile. He huffed in your face, and you immediately inched away, wrinkling your nose. "Oh my god, Satoru, I would think God would bless you with amazing morning breath too, but I guess not." Gojou pouted as you pushed him away. "Go brush your teeth and come back."

"Fine!" He whined, heading to the bathroom. There, he lazily grabbed it, wetting it before applying the toothpaste when he heard your ringtone. He saw your phone left on the bathroom counter, and stuffed his toothbrush in his mouth before he picked it up. The caller ID said 'Oto-san.'

Gojou answered it, eyebrows furrowed, and held the phone near his ear, with his other hand brushing his teeth, "Hello?"

Gojou spit. "Good morning Oto-san"," Gojou answered brightly.

He heard your father huff on the other line. "Satoru, give the phone to my daughter."

"My wife, is in a good mood right now, and I don't want it to get ruined by you."

"Let me talk to her for a mi"-

"Oops, what was that, I didn-" Gojou made fake static noises with his mouth before ending the call. For good measure, he texted, 'Don't call her again.'

"Honey!" Gojou fumbled with your phone before putting it down and quickly brushing his teeth.

"Coming!" He yelled back with a mouth filled with paste. 

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