1¦ Purple

164 2 0

|K E I T H|

There was a huge blast from one of the Empire's ship ion canon. It was silent, blinding and fast. I wasn't sure if the others had the chance to notice it, but Lance was in its line of fire.

"Lance! Get out of the way!" I shouted for him.

"Uh, I'm kind of surrounded by Galra fighters here!" he shouted back.

Indeed he was surrounded, Blue was blasting anything in front of her way but more kept coming. They were trapped in that spot. I had to act before it could hit Lance and Blue, the beam could possibly kill them in the process. My instincts instantly took over, flying through the various ships and blasts so I could push Lance and Blue away just in time before it hits them.

It was a good thing Red was extremely fast. I made it in time, barelling Red harshly against Blue, pushing them out of the way. The shot met another Empire cruiser instead. It exploded as soon as the deadly purple beam went through.

"Thanks Keith!" Lance said.

I didn't reply as I pushed us both again, away from getting engulfed by the explosion. A thunderous streak of purple lighting shot past us from the opposite direction. It stopped behind us going into a spiraling motion in which a wormhole was created. Both Lance and I flew away from it but an unseen force was pulling us back towards it.

"What's happening?" Lance shouted in panic.

"I–I don't know! I can't fly Red out of it!" I said, frantically moving the controls to fly us out.

"Keith! Lance!" I heard Shiro scream, seeing the Black Lion heading for us in an attempt to help us.

"We're getting sucked in!" Lance screamed and I felt it too, the gravity it held was like a multiplied strength stronger than Earth's own.

In a blink of an eye we went into the wormhole. Lance's scream continued to be heard. I saw Shiro and Black joining us.

'Great, at least if we get stranded in the other side of this wormhole I won't be stuck alone with Lance.' I thought.

There was muffled and distant screaming from the others. I couldn't understand them anymore as their sight was concealed from view. The wormhole now taking Lance, Shiro and I to whatever was on the other side. Somehow Red stopped functioning, we were spinning uncontrollably and I contacted Lance or Shiro for an update on their own situations.

"My lion stopped responding! Lance?! Shiro?" I called.

"Mine too! Blue isn't replying to me!"

"Black's gone offline too! We better brace for impact! We don't know where this wormhole could be taking us!"

"I'm seeing the end!" Lance said and it made me roll my eyes.

"Lance, we don't have time for you to be dramatic right now!" Shiro scolded.

"No! Really, I mean I can see the end of this wormhole!" he shouted back.

With Red spinning I caught a glimpse of what Lance was referring to. Just as he mentioned, we exited through the wormhole too close to a planet. I saw the stars, the unfamiliar constellations before getting caught in the planet's atmosphere and gravity pulling at us, we began to descend towards it.

I watched as both of the Blue and Black Lion fall along with me in Red. We continued to descend exceeding to an alarming rate. I panicked, moving the controls rapidly while screaming at Red, hoping she'd come back online.

"Come on! Come on, Red!" I called out to my lion.

There was no response. I could see the ground already becoming too close. We were about to crash. Red was still unresponsive so I had called for Shiro and Lance. I thought that maybe they had better luck than me and could possibly have one of them fly their lion to stop me from crashing. And just to my luck, sarcasm noted, I couldn't get a response from them too. None of their voices greeted me but an unwelcomed static.

Red and I continued to fall. From the window screen that allowed me sight of what was outside, a few meters was only left before we plummet to the ground. I braced for impact, shutting my eyes close as I internally screamed so hard for Red.

Miraculously the controls came back to life. The familiar red holograms and lightings blinded me, but I reacted in time to use the controls. Piloting us to avoid a destructive impact. It was midly too late actually. Pillar rocks and trees met us and we still crashed, only it was better than dropping straight from the sky. Loud crashing sounds was all I could hear, either from Red or the surrounding environment's lifeforms. I felt Red rolled over, the force dragging me along and I was screaming. My helmet slipped off from my head, soon we stopped and my unprotected head got smacked to the controls in front of me. I could only hope Shiro and Lance had a better landing than me just right before passing out.


There was a defeaning ringing stuck in me ears. I groaned and forced my eyes open. I found myself still on my seat, just leaning on my right side of the chair. I was relieved Red wasn't upside down then I would have passed out on the ceiling. The controls were offline again, Red not showing any signs of responding to me. I had a headache forming. It hurt and I believed it was probably from the impact of the crash. I let a hand touch it, feeling a sticky substance which I could guess was blood. I sighed and got up. Another pain was on my side that must have gotten hit as well. I ignored it and searched for my helmet. I found it behind the chair on the floor, picking it up so I could contact Lance and Shiro. I was relieved to find it unharmed, there was no crack. Putting it on which thankfully was still functioning.

"Lance? Shiro? Can anyone hear me?" I asked, walking out of Red to go outside.

There was nothing but static, no reply came from anyone. I was now out of Red. Stepping on the ground it was surprisingly covered in grass, only it was a purple color instead of green like on Earth. I had my helmet check if the atmosphere was safe enough to breath in and it confirmed that it was. Though I still didn't dare take my helmet off.

I observed my surroundings further. There were trees and pillar rocks everywhere, decorated around like a forest. The rocks were taller though than the trees. Just like the grass the foliage and shrubbery were purple, different shades of purple. The wood or tree barks were a deep brown color. The rocks were in gray or peach.

"Hello? Guys? Can anyone here me?" I asked through the coms in our helmet again. Still standing by the entrance to Red. "Red is not responding and I'm in some planet like Earth only the leaves are purple..." I said and turned my head to look at the sky. "and the sky is blue which is normal." I added.

I stopped talking since it felt foolish with no one responding. I was now deciding if I should examine this planet further and look for Lance and Shiro.

"Like as if I have any better options," I muttered  and summoned my bayard out, walking into the unknown.

🎶 into the unknownnn!!!! 🎶


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