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Hello and welcome to my first to published KLANCE fan fiction. This is actually not my first idea on a klance fic, in fact this is my eleventh one.

Yes, 11.

I have a whole lot more in my drafts. This is the most recent one I've thought and decided to publish first because it has a storyline I know where my writing is going. The other unpublished ones have interesting story plots too, well interesting for me at least, but they're like all over the place. Kinda very messy and causes me writer's block a bit too often. But I will not allow myself to give up on them because I really enjoy sharing and writing stories for others to enjoy. Even if these are just fanfics and not really original stories.

I'd also like to share that I have read almost every existing KLANCE fanfic on Wattpad, like literally almost all of it. My library is bursting with Klance or Keith fanfics! And the ones I've liked the most are on my Klance reading list, if you all want some good reads too.

With that being said, with my unhealthy obsession for Klance, I saw how I was running low on Klance fics to read. Then I thought of making my own because yes I'm that desperate for a good read about my favorite boys! I even did a Voltron keith/klance journal and post a few pics on ig.

Although fanfics are easier to come up with than original ones, it's still a struggle to write a story. Most of my struggle is when trying to get the best or closest portrayal of the character. Which is such a freaking challenge, especially when writing a conversation. Now what I'm trying to say is, I do my best to make them act like their character but it would be helpful as well for you dear readers to comment and share to me, if something feels off. Like if what I made Keith say something that isn't very Keith like, then feel free to kindly point it out and share your opinion on how to edit it. That way when the book is finished and will undergo extreme editing, then future readers will enjoy the story and characters the best it can be.

Wow, like this had over 400 words. I'll stop writing here now.

So, I hope you all enjoy reading! Time for some Klance! 💜

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