𝒗𝒊. time to strike back

Start from the beginning

Donald denied all that they had said then Vera walks over, "This stuff is important— uh, what makes your stuff more important than ours?'' Vera cuts off Donald as he gets closer and tells her, "Uh, 'cause my stuff can make a billion dollars. When you're the boss, you can make the rules. But until then, I am the king of davenportia, and you will all do my bidding. ha ha ha ha—'' Donald says as the door shut, making him get cut off as Vera grins at him.

"Why do we always have to do what he wants us to do?" Bree asks, upset by him. Vera frowns at the girl and then Leo had an idea, she thought it might have worked. "Hey! Maybe you guys should do what those hotel workers downtown did. You know, strike?'' Leo finishes as Adam punches Chase in the shoulder making chase yell. "Ow! What was it for?" as Adam tells Leo said strike.

As Bree asks "Strike?" Adam punches him as he yells out 'ow!"

"What's a strike?" Adam then goes and tries to punch him as he grabs his hand and prevents him from punching him, "Stop it!" while letting go as Vera gives Adam a glare while pulling Chase to her side as he loses how tense he was when they kept trying to punch him.

Chase thanks her as she continues to talk about the strike. Vera goes and explains what it was. "It's when employees refuse to work, until they get better working conditions, like more days off but for you guys a day off." Chase walks over to her and agrees. "That's a good idea Vera. I say we all strive!" as chases says that then they all punch him besides Vera. "Oh, come on!"

Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo and Vera were in the lab. Some were working on signs and the others were waiting for Donald. Vera puts her marker down as she sees Donald giggling while skipping into the lab. "Greetings people of davenportia. It is I, king Donald here to train thee. Ha ha!"

He stops as he sees Bree, Chase and Leo striking in the middle of the lab.



He looks unbothered and then asks what they were doing. Chase walks over to him, "We... are on strike— why would you guys strike?" Donald scoffs asking them why they would strike. "Ha... Ha... Ha. We're serious. Adam and Vera even made us signs.'' Bree says pointing towards Vera as she pulls up a sign with colorful attractions and gives Bree a high-five as she goes back to coloring.

Donald had told them that they were being ridiculous, Vera stands up and explains how this wasn't something about being ridiculous at all. "There's nothing ridiculous about it. They're on strike and we are their captain.'' Leo walks over to Vera and fist bumps her while Donald rolls his eyes. "We're sticking it to the man!" Leo finishes as Adam comes in yelling making Leo scrunch his nose.

"Yeah! and I don't know exactly what it is, but we're sticking it to ya! And it's going to be really hard to get off.'' It was Vera's turn to shake her head in literal confusion. "Why are you two striking? You guys don't even have to train.'' Donald asked as Leo and Vera laughed.

"This isn't about training. It's about unity! And equality! And getting what we want! ity...'' Leo says as Chase explained why they were striking in the first place. Vera gave them all a nod because sometimes she forgot that they were also bionic and it wasn't fair for them to not be teens. "We need downtime just to have fun. as long as it doesn't affect our school work.'' Chase points out but some of them didn't like that last part making Adam smack his chest and Bree smack his arm.

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