"Well that's why you have me, I'll teach you everything you need to know about everyone." He said and then the both of them laughed.

"Damn I love Earth." Jasper said as he watched Octavia slide her pants off, leaving her in a tank top and underwear. Clarke, Finn and Monty came up besides Cassy and Jasper. All of them wore the same expression.

"Octavia, what the hell are you doing?" Clarke questioned.

Octavia turned her head, smirked at the group and then jumped off of the rock and landed in the water with a splash. The five of them immediately rushed over and found Octavias head sticking out of the surface of the water. Cassy wore another shocked expression when she saw the lake in front of her. It was big and had the most clearest water ever.

"Octavia, we can't swim." Monty pointed out.

"No, but we can stand." Octavia said, straightening her legs so her upper half of her body was out of the water.

Cassy grinned from ear to ear before she started taking off her clothes just like everyone else apart from Clarke.

"Wait, there isn't supposed to be a river here." Clarke said as she looked back down at the map. Why was she such a killjoy Cassiopeia thought.

"Well there is. So take off you're damn clothes." Finn told her. A small smile spread across the blondes face as she undressed herself before Jaspers voice stopped all of them from going further.

"Octavia get out of the water." He said with a panicked voice.

Turning her head in confusion as to what Jasper was looking terrified at behind Octavia. Cassiopeias eyes widened when she saw a ripple of movement in the water coming straight for Octavia. The girl in the water let out a shriek when she was pulled under the surface. Her cries for help were masked by the water as she was pulled further away from the group. Then all of a sudden the water went eerily still and calm, there was no sign of Octavia.

Where is Octavia? Was she going to die? Cassiopeia thought. Her train of thoughts were interrupted by Octavia appearing out of the water, her arms and legs flailing as she gasped for air.

"Octavia!" Cassy shouted. Pulling up her sleeves up. She was about to jump in the water since nobody else had moved. Cassy was pulled back by Clarke.

"No wait. If we just distract it, it might let her go." Clarke said. Cassiopeia gave a nervous look at Clarke as she tried to push a large rock besides her. It took all five of them to push the heavy rock in the lake but once they did a loud splash was heard and the water creature left Octavia go and slithered towards the rock.

"Hang on Octavia!" Cassy said to the girl that was struggling to keep her head above the water. Jasper took a leap and jumped in the water, grabbed Octavia and started swimming towards the group again.

"It's coming back! It's headed right for you guys!" Finn yelled. He wasn't wrong. The snaky fish was getting closer to them but it made them even more panicked then before.

When Jasper got near to the shore Clarke and Cassy helped Octavia out and Monty and Finn helped Jasper. Luckily the creature hadn't caught up to them. When they made it to safety Cassiopeia gasped when she noticed Octavias thigh. Her thigh was coated in her red blood.

Running to Octavias aid, Clarke ripped a piece of cloth from Jaspers shirt and wrapped it around the wound for it to stop bleeding.

"Note to self. Next time save the girl." Monty said to Jasper and then everyone started laughing at the inside joke they had.

The next morning Cassiopeia and the group were walking through the forest until they stumbled on a vine for them to swing across the lake. They figured if they had to get to Mount Weather they might as well make the most out of it.

"Can I go first?" Cassiopeia asked with a grin on her face to Finn that was checking to see if it was safe.

"Sure." He said as he passed the vine over to the excited girl. Cassy held the vine tightly in her hand.

"Just hang on until the apogee and you'll be fine." Jasper assured Cassy by patting her back as he said that.

Finn furrowed his eyebrows at Jasper. "The Apache? Like the Indians right?"

Jasper shook his head. "Apogee. Not Apache."

"He knows." Clarke stated irritably. Finn and Cassy were clearly enjoying how irritated Clarke sounded. "Today Cassiopeia." The blonde urged her.

Cassy pulled the vine once again and then said "Aye aye Captain." She then turned to Jasper and Finn and saluted as she said "see you on the other side."

"Wait let me. I can do it." Jasper said decisively but Cassy had already jumped. Cassiopeia cheered as she swung her body across the lake. She left the vine go once she was close enough to the other side of the ground. She fell on her knees but once she got up she saw Jasper already swinging from the vine.

Cassy made some room as Jasper let go of the vine and landed next to her. "We are Apogee!" Jasper shouted as he threw his hands in victory. Cassy cheered on with him just like the others on the opposite side.

"Come on Clarke you got this. Whoo! Apogee!" Cassy said as she saw Jasper brush some dirt of a metal sheet next to her. Cassy peered over his shoulders and smiled as she looked at the others.

"We did it. Mount Wether!" Jasper yelled out in victory as he held up the sign. Then suddenly out of nowhere a spear was thrown from the opposite side of the river they were standing on, towards Jasper. The spear lodging itself deep in his chest as he flew back from the force. Cassiopeia screamed as she rushed next to Jasper.

"Jasper? Jasper? Jasper!" Cassiopeias voice became more urgent. The girl was scared out of her mind as she watched Jasper look at the spear in his chest with wide eyes. The girl looked on the other side for guidance from her friends but no one was there. Not knowing what to do Cassy hid behind a tree close to Jasper.

"Jasper? Can you hear me?" Cassy whispered to the boy. His blood covered her hands and clothes. Everything seemed like it was going in slow motion. Suddenly Cassy heard a big ruffling sound from the trees near her. Large people with leather armour and black face paint emerged from the trees. Cassy looked at them up with fear. Who where they and why did they lodge a spear into Jaspers chest?

"Who are you?" She asked them with a quivering voice but they stayed silent. One of the men approached Cassy slowly as he grabbed a sword from his belt.

"Stay away from me!" The girl yelled at the top of her lungs when the man grabbed her by her wrist making sure it left a bruise. The strange man then brought the but of his sword and connected it with Cassiopeias head hard enough to make her go unconscious.

Authors note:
Vote, comment and follow please.
Hope you liked this chapter. I decided to write from Jaspers prospective because everyone else keeps writing about the part we're they go and save him.
This chapter is based off of Episode 1- Pilot
Have a nice day/night. 🦭🌊 🗡

Cassiopeia KaneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang