Chapter seven

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Third-Person POV

everyone was done setting up their tents. some took longer than others. specifically, 8-ball and Keyhole who had to ask for help. their tent was a mess when Pyronica went over to help them. however now everyone's tents were up and people were ready to make this one of their best weekends.

Despite it being only about noon, it was still quite early in the day. Dipper felt like the time flew by during the last few hours. though now everything was done and he was ready to have some fun. 

Mabel groaned quietly on the picnic table next to him, walking towards him and slouching down, "Finally done." 

"come on mabes we still have all weekend you need to have more energy" Dipper teased. normally it was Mabel telling him this. but he wasn't going to let the opportunity to say the same to her. 

sitting next to her he sat back resting his head on his arms. Mabel rolled her eyes. "shouldn't I be saying that to you?" she teased him back. she sat up now smiling at him that he knew he should be scared of. "you and Bill are sharing a tent are you not?'

Dipper quirked his eyebrow looking at her confused. "what do you mean by that?" he asked her slowly. he didn't know what answer to expect from his sister.  

Mabel smiled even more before saying "you and Bill look like you have a 'Lil something going on." 

as soon as he heard his sister's words Dipper choked on the air he was currently trying to breathe. coughing he hit his chest a few times to steady his breathing. after a few good moments he calmed down. As he turned to Mabel, he said, "Mabel, I'm straight, and I'm pretty sure Bill is straight. Also, he's one of the annoying people I've ever encountered."

nudging his shoulder she smirks "keep lying to yourself." with that she got up leaving her brother to do his own thing. she walked off over to join in on a conversation with Pyronica. she and Pyronica became friends the minute they met. 

Dipper laid his head down on the table, arms to his side. he just stared off into the greenery made up of trees, trees, and more trees. pine trees to be particular. at this thought he groaned remembering the stupid nickname of the irritating person that was his friend had given him. 

Dipper started to mutter to himself "come on Mable me like him!" he turned his head so he was face-first to the table sighing. "not in a million years," he mumbled quietly to himself. as he was still mumbling about what his sister said he felt a hand upon his shoulder.

he sat up turning his head so he could see the blond behind him. he groaned then face-planted back upon the wooden picnic table. "what do you want Bill" he asked the boy behind him. 

Bill sat next to Dipper leaning his head back on his arms. "table taste good kid?" he asked teasingly. 

"shut up" was all he replied. 

Bill raised his arms in defense grinning. he got up and grabbed Dipper's arm forcing him to stand up. looking mildly annoyed Dipper crossed his arms looking Bill in the eyes. "what do you want" he asked. 

Bill shrugged his shoulders. he tapped Dipper's forehead and with a smile so uncomfortably wide in Dipper's opinion he dragged him down to the road. "me and you are going down to the park," he said sounding like a child to Dipper with his lack of grammar.

Waving his finger like a mother scolding her child, he said, "you and I Bill proper grammar." but that didn't stop him from walking with him down the cracked concrete road down to the park most camping areas had for little kids.

In a condescending tone, Bill dragged him along by his arm, smiling towards him. "Come on, let's go Mr. grammar police," he said happily.  Dipper tried to shake his arm out of Bill's grasp but failed miserably. thinking to himself maybe he should really start to go to the gym with his sister. seeing how everyone just loved to drag him by his arms making them feeling their gonna pop right out of their sockets. 

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