Chapter 31: How It Came to Be

Start from the beginning

You let out a breathy laugh when his kisses made it to your neck, trailing from your pulse point to your collarbone. You turned in his arms, leaning against his chest.

"What made you choose me?" You queried.

Snape chuckled into your neck.

"I didn't. Dumbledore did," He admitted; "I wasn't able to choose. I thought you knew that."

Your jaw dropped. This whole time you had thought that Severus had told Dumbledore that he wanted you, and Dumbledore formally made the assignment.

"No! I thought that you told Dumbledore and then he made the arrangement. How did Dumbledore think of me?" You asked.

Severus' kisses became a little quicker and faster. He didn't really care how it happened, he was just glad you were there.

"I had some requirements. Although, I'm pretty sure he already had you in mind." He replied.

You were baffled at this. How had you gone this entire time not even knowing how you ended up in this position?

"What kind of requirements? Someone willing to fill the role of a slutty assistant?" You said purely kidding, but knowing that Severus didn't like when you referred to yourself that way.

He pulled his head back.

"First of all, you're not slutty. I hate it when you say that. Secondly, this wasn't the 'arrangement' I had in mind. I didn't want an assistant in the beginning," He responded; "I requested someone who was talented with Potions and was willing to work around their schedule."

You thought back to the first few weeks you were together. You had almost forgotten how cold Severus was towards you.

"Oh, I remember. You didn't want me around at all." You recalled.

"I was sure I didn't need any help. Not to mention, you have a tendency to snap back at me," He said with a grin. You blushed. "But I'm happy you stuck around."

"Me too." You returned, kissing his cheek.

Your eyes looked past him now, out the window at the dreary weather outside. Now he could tell that you had something on your mind.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" He questioned, his lips returning to your neck.

You ran a finger lazily across the back of his neck, pushing his hair to the side.

"How much longer do you think we can stay together?" You asked him.

He drew his head back once more, and his brows furrowed in worry. He wasn't quite sure what you were implying.

"Forever. That is if I have any say in it," He said; "Why couldn't we be together for as long as we wanted?"

You gave him a look. You had been thinking about this for a while now. You had been flying under the radar with Severus since September. It was almost February now, and there were already people that knew of your relationship and there had been a couple of close calls. You wondered how long you could keep getting away with this.

"I'm just worried. Between Malfoy and the way we keep getting ourselves into tight situations, I'm just afraid that we're going to be found out sooner rather than later," You expressed; "Dumbledore covering for us helps some, but when The Ministry finds out-"

"They won't." Severus stopped your ramble.

You raised a brow.

"You seem confident." You noted aloud.

He shrugged. Severus knew and worked closely with people in The Ministry of Magic. He had a feeling that a professor having a relationship with a grown student was the least of their problems...but you were right. It would be a nightmare if The Ministry got involved.

"I'm not frightened of them." He admitted.

"Well, aren't you bold?"  You teased.

He scoffed in amusement.

"You know what I mean," He said; "I don't want you to worry, my love. If we get into trouble with The Ministry, then we'll handle it like we always do. You deserve to feel secure in our relationship."

You nodded with a smile.

"So do you. You of all people deserve to feel safe," You said. Your smile turned into a smirk as you raised yourself up from laying on him. You draped your leg over his hips; "I think I know of something else you deserve."

An excited expression was evident on his face as his hands found your waist once again.

"Oh, hell...I don't deserve you," He said, feeling his blood rush to a certain place. His eyes raked over your naked body that he had become so familiar with; "So stunning..."

You laughed lightly, the sound of it almost enough to get him off right then and there.

"You deserve me. You wouldn't be here if you didn't," You said dipping down to nibble on his ear, whispering; "I'm crazy about you, Severus Snape."

He rotated his hips upward at that, your hand involuntarily pushing him back onto the mattress. Your skin heating up again at the feel of him under you. You rolled your hips over him, grinding down to create that delicious friction. You sucked on his neck with fervor, but stopped when your watch on the bedside table began to beep.

He whimpered when you pulled away to lean over to get it. You threw your head back with a throaty groan.

"Shit. I've got to go," You announced, dismounting him and getting dressed; "I've got group tutoring in fifteen minutes."

Severus was disappointed that you were leaving so soon, not able to finish what you had started.

"Group tutoring?" He asked.

You nodded with an annoyed eye roll.

"Yeah. Since I've got five kids to tutor now, I don't have time to one-on-one sessions with each of them. So I'm just tutoring them all at once," You told him; "That way I don't have to be alone with Malfoy. Ron and Seamus will back me up."

Severus grimaced at the thought.

"Weasley and Malfoy in the same session? Are you sure that's a wise idea?" He wondered.

You truthfully weren't sure how this was going to go. You hoped that Draco wouldn't try anything if others were around. But with four Gryffindors and one Slytherin, you were convinced your hands were going to be tied.

"We'll see. I may have to get someone else to tutor Draco if he gets mouthy," You said; "Alicia would be more than happy to teach him a lesson or two."

Severus snickered at the thought of Alicia trying to teach Draco. He hoped it didn't come to that. He didn't want to have to expel Alicia for something that Draco probably deserved. He watched as you finished getting dressed, grabbing your bag and wand.

"Have fun, darling." He said sarcastically.

You glanced between his legs, noting that he was half-hard from where you had started to rile him up again. He blushed at your stare. You gave him a wink before leaving for the Potions classroom.

"Yeah. You too."

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