"Tell him that I shall be there momentarily." The satyr ran off, as Delia dropped down from the tree, landing in the warm grass. Her staff was leaning against a nearby apple tree, and Delia picked it up as she set off for the eastern shore line.

The sun was hotter now, beating down on her fair skin, as she hurried through the shade of the yew groves, trying not to keep the god waiting for too long. The cliffs came into sight, as Delia hopped down the path, and landed on the beach. She could already see Triton waiting on the shore, basking in the sun and the water, as various sea creatures surrounded him.

"Triton," The man's eyes snapped open, as he spun around to watch her with a grin on his face. "What can I do for my favorite god?"

The boy laughed, sitting up, as he placed his conch shell down onto the sand. Triton looked like his mother, sharing the same dark skin and wide grin that Amphitrite normally sported.

"Can I not see my favorite auntie without any strings attached to that?" Delia rolled her eyes, smiling as she settled down and into the sand. "Fine, Father sent me to tell you that he won't be around."

"Why?" He huffed, splashing the water around him and burying his tail further into the sand beneath him, much like he often did as a toddler.

"Hera's mad at Zeus, because Zeus..."

"If it's Olympian drama, I don't want, or need, to know," Delia grinned, stabbing her staff into the sand as Triton huffed. "Tell your father that's its all fine. I'll keep an eye on the seas around my island and the neighbouring ones. He has no need to worry about it all."

"Good, I will," She patted his head again, pulling a hermit crab out from behind his ear, and placing it gently back onto the shoreline. "Mother said to tell you that she may be in this part of the ocean in a few days, and that she expects you to be around to have a meal with her."

"I'm always available, she knows that," Delia laughed at the thought. Triton's mother, Amphitrite, was a force to be reckoned with, a hurricane in the form of a woman so to speak. To her enemies, she was a natural disaster, calling upon tsunamis and storms that rattled the earth, but to her friends, she was loyally protective. 

Luckily for Delia, she was able to call the woman her friend, and she hoped never to change that.

"That's good then," Triton grinned once more, and it reminded Delia of a hippocampus pup. She smiled, pinching his cheeks, as he tried to bat her hand away. Despite Triton being near to adult age, Delia always remembered him as the little boy that Amphitrite had introduced her to all those years ago, no matter how tall he grew. "Auntie, stop it."

"You're too adorable though," He batted her hands away, before he finally managed to get away from her hold with a laugh.

"You're almost as bad as mother," Delia rolled her eyes. No one was quite as smothering and over bearing, in a good way, as Amphitrite.

The stars twinkled above the goddess, as she walked across the island, checking to make sure that everything was as it should be. Most of the citizens had already disappeared to sleep, which made Delia's job a lot simpler without having to dodge the inhabitants of Delos.

She jumped down onto the Northern shore line, walking along the beaches to check for anything out of the ordinary. Now that Poseidon was back on Olympus, it meant that she had to be more careful with the waters around her, to make sure that nothing got on or near her island. The Hippocampi and the centaurs had also been warned, each watching their own portion of oceans, which made her job easier. Continuing on, Delia jumped back up to the top of the cliffs, sighing in relief at no monsters being on her shore. 

You could never be too careful in these times.

Turning, the guardian began to walk back to her own home, taking care to make sure that she did not step on any burrows, or knock on any trees. She did not wish to be the one that woke up and annoyed a yew tree dryad. It would make her evening most unpleasant.

She was almost back at her home when she heard it, a crackling sound that had haunted her dreams for years. Glancing up, her eyes widened at the familiar sight of storm clouds rolling ahead, before slamming her staff onto the ground.

The shock of it reverberated through the floor, and she kept her focus, imagining a shield around her island, keeping her and it's inhabitants safe.

Another crack sounded above her, before a brilliant white light leapt from the sky and smashed into the barrier that Delia had erected around them. She hissed in pain, her muscles aching as she tried her best to keep the barrier up.

Zeus must have been particularly annoyed, if he was shooting lightning randomly onto the Earth below. The flash of white almost blinded her, as it hit once more, but Delia kept steady and held on until the storm clouds disappeared. Only then, did she allow herself to collapse.


So, introduction to Delia, Delos, the people on her island and who she's close with. Also, there was an incident which is why Delia just doesn't like anyone on Olympus, but does like Amphrite, Triton and Poseidon. 

Let me know what you think please,

Love Li xx

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