Prologue Part 2, Pep Talk

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Lewis's POV.
Brittany walks into the room as I finish my letter to James.

"Hey Lewis. Whatcha doing?" She asks. I look at her. She knows when I am sad because I give her a look. I don't even know what the look looks like! She just calls it "the sad look"

"What's wrong, Lewis?" She asked. "Come to think of it, you aren't as cheerful as you used to be."

I sighed. I knew I had to tell her sooner or later.

"Brittany, do you remember when I was mysteriously gone for five days?..." I said and hesitated.

She nodded.

"Well... Me and fourteen other celebrities were forced to play this game called flicker. It was a game... Where there was a murderer... And an entire team of evil people, and we had to find all evils before they won. I was part of the good team... But the reason I'm so sad.... Is cause..... I let a good friend die... Cause I was stupid.... I was targeted. Then the electric band on his wrist that kept him asleep glitched out... And he woke up.... And he.... Gave himself to save me..."

I found myself sobbing in her arms.

"Lewis.... Don't ever say that was you're fault. Just because the game glitched doesn't mean you're responsible for his death.." She spoke in get rather soothing voice as she stroked my thick dirty blonde hair.

At times she can be caring and nice. But she likes to be sassy. I love both sides of her. But this side of her makes me want to cry more.

"Brittany... I lost James Arthur. I can't lose you too... I hope to god that last time was the last time we ever have to go through that.... Especially if you have to play..."

Suddenly I felt something small and sharp suddenly hit my back, all of a sudden, I felt limp. I had this feeling before.... I looked Brittany in the eyes as I said....

"Don't tell anyone I told you about the flicker game....." Then I remember a loud ringing and I blanked out.

Brittany's POV.
"LEWIS!!!!!" I called out as I ran for him, he was unconscious on the ground! I tried to lift him up, but before I could get him on the bed, these two guys completely dressed in black showed up.

"Ma'am. This is business we have to deal with. We need your little friend." One of the guys said.

"What business???" I cried out. "You think I will just let you take Lewis Capaldi without any consent from anyone??? I WON'T!!!"

The second man grabbed a walkie talkie.

"Sir. She won't budge. Should we take her too?"

Wait... This is....

"NOOOOO! I WONT LET YOU TAKE US!!" I cried, they kept on firing their tranquilizer gun and kept on missing. Then one guy grabbed my wrist and started pulling! I felt a needle poke my arm and I blanked out...

No one's POV.
"Sir. We got em both. The woman is a feisty one. So keep a close eye on her." One man said. The other man picked up Lewis as the first picked up Brittany. Then they left the scene...

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