Prologue part 1. Letter to James Arthur

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Hey James... I know this is like the hundredth letter to you from your journal, and its running out of pages, and I know you'll never write back... But I still feel the need to tell you how much I've missed you...

So its been two months since I watched you die in front of my very eyes. A lot has happened. (Well, like one thing...)

I got a girlfriend. We've known each other for about a month before the second game. And now we are seeing each other. She is Australian, and she is also a singer. Her name is Brittany Maggs.. She is a nice girl, but very stubborn at times. She is very savage and likes to roast people a lot... She is a handful I tell you. But I wouldn't trade her for the world.

She doesn't know about the flicker game... I hope to god she doesn't have to go through that like we both did. Since the last game, I've been getting a lot of... Not so. nice comments from your fans. Even though everyone knows that I never killed you. They still want someone to point the blame to... I've even gotten death threats, it's been really scary... I try to report them, but I still feel like I've done something wrong. I did do something wrong... that thing was... Not saving you.

These past two months have been torture. You say I can feel your presence, but I can't...  I just hope you're happy. wherever you are....

Thank you for being an amazing friend.

-Lewis Capaldi

P.S. if possible. Please try to show your fans that you're still with them. I'm getting sick of them and their mean comments.

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