21-I Needed You

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The next few days were rough, I was mourning the loss of my mother and brother alone, I can not speak another word to my father, Cora, Blaise and Draco are all ignoring me for some reason and even George has started to distance himself from me.

I hadn't gone to a single class in nearly two weeks, I hadn't even eaten a single thing either.

"Delilah, can I come in?" A soft voice said from the other side of the door, making me wipe the tears from my eyes hastily.

"Oh hey Georgie, what's wrong?" I asked, opening the door to reveal the twin.

"Come eat" I shook my head slightly before he continued "I need you to, Im worried about you Del" I debated whether to got or not, proving itself to be a hard decision.

I slowly nodded and went to go into the bathroom to get changed while he waited in my room. I looked into the mirror, an unrecognisable figure staring back at me. A tear escaped my eyes, I was a mess and I  was ashamed of it.

Without thinking, I smashed the mirror and fell to the floor, the shattered glass surrounding me. George rushed to my side and held me close while I cried silently into his chest.

"Can we go down now?" I asked quietly, I still had blood on my knuckles and on my hand but I didn't look as bad as I did before.

He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked into the great hall in a comfortable silence.

"OK Del, you can sit with your 'group' and I can join you if you wish for me to do so or you can sit with my group"

"I want to talk to Draco, but can you come too" I replied quietly, as he nodded and smiled at me kindly.

"Hey guys" I practically whispered as I approached my group seated around the table.

None of them replied but Cora gave me a smile and patted the seat next to her, indicating for me to sit there.

"Amora! What happened to you? You look like a bag of bones now" Pansy said in a fake empathetic voice, pretending to be sorry for me.

I could feel George lightly squeeze my hand as I sighed at her statement. I heard Draco snort at Pansy's remark and George shot him a death stare.

"Why did you do it Amora?" Blaise asked, putting his fork down.

"What did I do?"

"Don't be so stupid! You know exactly what you did" Draco snarled, slamming his fork into the table.

"I don't know what your talking about so could someone kindly fucking explain" I shot, still quiet but more aggressive.

"You fucking slept with Pansy, Delilah! You... Slept... With... PANSY" Draco snarled.

"You think I slept with that bitch?" I asked, laughing at him.

"Why are you laughing ?" Cora asked, looking towards me.

"Because it's not tru-"

"Liar! You know it's fucking true!" Draco snapped.

"You know what Draco. For your information, my mother and brother died in the past three weeks, I stopped eating for two weeks and no one was there for me! I had to go through all that Fucking pain by myself. I needed you Draco, I really fucking did. But where were you when I needed you the most? BELIEVING SOME FUCKING RUMOUR THAT BITCH MADE UP! Your such a wanker!" I screamed, everyone's heads turning to me with shocked expressions on their faces.

"You really fucked up, mate" Blaise muttered, hitting Draco in the rubs with his elbow.

"What did you expect? She slept with Pansy" Draco replied rolling his eyes, did this boy have no fucking emotions?

"For the last time I didn't sleep with her! But you know what I was doing, standing in the middle of the road, waiting for a car to bless me by hitting me, taking me away from this stupid fucking life you have messed up!" I shouted, poking Draco in the chest and running out of the great hall and into my room again, I knew it was a bad idea to go down there.

I heard the door open and George stepped in, "Delilah, where are you?" He said softly, looking around the room. I held my breath as he came towards the bathroom door. As he opened the door, he froze, speechless. 

I looked down at where he was looking and I saw a piece of glass from the broken mirror in my hand slicing the skin up my arm.

"Make it go away, Georgie!" I cried as he quickly came to my side to comfort me. 

"Make what go away?" 

"The pain Georgie, make the pain go away!" Tears were streaming down my face "Everything went wrong! What am I supposed to do!" 

"Del, no matter what I will protect you ok?" 

i looked up into his eyes, tears forming, my eyes fell to his pink lips. Without thinking, i slammed my lips into his, causing him to stumble back slightly.

"Delilah, you can't right now" He muttered softly, pulling away slightly. 

"Please Georgie, I need to be distracted for a while" i pulled him closer by the collar and kissed him again, this time he didn't pull away. We got up and stumbled to my bed, not disconnecting our lips once. 

i pushed him onto my bed as I got on top of him.  He bit my lip and I parted them slightly, as he pushed his tongue inside and started exploring every inch of my mouth. I moaned quietly and started rubbing his covered dick. 

"Not now Delilah, you are too broken and your still in love with Draco" he whispered, getting up and going out the room. 



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