18- From The Beginning

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A/N: By the way, English isn't my first language, French is. I'm still not the best at English but I hope its OK for now.


I had no idea what to wear, casual or fancy, it might be a fake date but its still important to look good.

As I was going through my wardrobe and throwing clothes onto the floor, there was a loud knock on the door. I sighed and dragged my tired feet to the bit of wood.

"What the fuck is happening with you and that Weaslebee twin?"

"Draco! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Can't you leave me alone for 10 minutes?" I spat, looking into his angry, grey eyes.

"Answer my question, whore!" he said, smirking and looking for a reaction, but he wasn't expecting the one he was about to receive.

I slammed the door in his face before turning to gather my clothes. I finally settled on a white blouse, creme vest, and jeans with a light-wash.

As I took a glance at the pile of fabrics that had gathered on my floor, I turned towards the door and placed my hand on the cold, metal handle

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As I took a glance at the pile of fabrics that had gathered on my floor, I turned towards the door and placed my hand on the cold, metal handle. A shiver shot up my arm. As I turned the handle, something hard hit the floor.

"Draco!" I snapped, stepping over his tired body. "Where  you sitting out here the whole time?"


I slid down against the door and placed myself next to him

"May I ask why?"

"I just want to explain my side of the story, please" he looked up at me with his pleading eyes, so full of love and softness.

"Go on then" I muttered, my eyes fluttering closed slightly.

"Basically, I was waiting for you in detention and then that bitch came in. I was thirsty and she got me a drink" He paused and I saw a single tear roll down his cheek. "Can you believe I was that stupid Del! I was that bloody stupid!" 

That's when it hit me, what had actually happened. 

"Draco that was a nice story but I really need to go" I couldn't help but still be angry at him, he had let her get the drink. 

I made my way to the orchard, the place where we agreed to me. My eyes were blessed by the sight of Fred leaning against the tree. 

"Hey, darling!"  He said with a smile, a warm smile that gave me a warm feeling.  

"Hey, Georgie!"

"you look beautiful Del" 

"Don't look too bad yourself you know" I took my first glance at what he was wearing, beige jeans, a navy jumper with a white collar, and checkered shoes. He did look hot. 

"Like what you see?" I didn't realize it was that obvious I was looking. 

"No" I giggled. "Anyway, what do you have planned?" 

"On the other side of this tree, there is a picnic with all the food that I asked my mother to send me. Trust me, her cooking is the best!" He slapped his hand against his mouth and a look of panic swept across his face. I giggled at his awkwardness. 

"I wasn't supposed to tell you that!" 

"Well it's a lovely thoughtful thing to do and honestly, I am starving". 

We laughed for a good few hours, eating Molly's lovely cooking and talking. 

He turned to me, his face was so close to mine that his gorgeous, red hair was tickling my face. 

He leaned in and his soft lips collided with mine. Instead of pulling away, I deepened the kiss. My arms snaked around his neck, deepening it even more. The force from my kiss knocked him onto his back. I pulled away realizing what I had just done although I was still I love with Draco. 

"Georgie, I love you, I really do, but in a friend way," I muttered. To my surprise, a smile formed on his face. 

"Delilah, I know you're still in love with Draco, any fool can see that. I love you more than a friend and I am so sorry for kissing you" 

I sighed before a smile tugged at my lips. 

"You're a pretty good kisser though" I laughed before gathering everything and making my way back to the common room. 

"Laters George!" I knew he was smiling, even though I didn't look back. 

As I turned a corner, I saw a familiar black-haired girl. 

"Parkinson, I need to talk to you. NOW!" she turned to me with a creepy smirk on her face. 


"Sure,"  I muttered through gritted teeth. 

"Listen here Parkinson" I turned towards her after shutting the kitchen door. 

"I know you fucking gave Draco something, I'm not stupid, so tell me what you gave him, and i'll 'let you go unharmed" 

She put her arms up in surrender before saying "Fine, you caught me, Adora, I gave him a love potion"  

"You're such a bitch Parkinson" my voice echoed down the corridors as I marched towards the common room hoping to find Draco. 


"Draco, follow me now" He was sat on the sofa furthest from the fire. He gulped nervously. 


He followed me to my dorm, I was still so fucking angry at Pansy for giving him a fucking love potion.  

"Delilah I know y-" 

I interrupted him by pressing my lips onto his, I had longed for this moment since the breakup. 


"Draco, follow me now" Delilah muttered through gritted teeth, I've never seen her that angry before, she was practically red. 

"NOW DRACO!"  she shouted, making me jump from my seat. I followed her to her room nervously. I turned around to close the door and started talking " Delilah I know-" 

She interrupted me by connecting her lips with mine, it felt like I had just grown wings and gone to heaven. 

My hands slid down to her waist and hers went around my neck, deepening the kiss. I could feel her smile underneath my lips. I pulled away from her and rested my forehead against hers, breathing quickly. 

"I really do love you Delilah Amora" I whispered, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. 

"I know Draco, I'm sorry I ever doubted you" She whispered back before giving me a soft and sweet kiss on the lips. 

"Can we start from the beginning and pretend nothing ever happened?" I asked, hoping to forget all recent events.  She smiled brightly and pulled away from my embrace and stuck her hand out. 

"Hi, I'm Delilah June Amora, nice to meet you" 

I gave her a goofy smile before pulling her back into a hug. 

"I'll protect you forever Delilah" 


"Draco! Please don't go! Stay with me tonight" She whined, grabbing my arm and attempting to pull me back onto the bed. 

"Fine darling" I smirked, letting her succeed and collapsed onto her. 

A/N: Follow my tik tok :) It's @delilah.malfoy.wattpad.  Follow me on here as well if you want.  

Hope you enjoyed it <3 (The next chapter will be VERY spicy.)

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