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TW: Sexual assault, death, Slapping, puching e.t.c

Ever since the night of our date, Draco started ignoring me. It was little things at first, not answering some of questions, not giving me kisses and hugs but it soon progressed into much bigger things. He didn't sit with me anymore, or anyone from our group for that matter. He didn't even turn up to meals. No one else seemed to be fussed or concerned.

"Cora what's wrong with Draco?" I asked, putting down my class of water.

"He's mad at you Delilah" She answered before swingin her body towards Blaise and chatting with him.

"I haven't done anything for him to be mad at" I thought to myself.

I walked silently out of the hall, everyone's eyes piercing through me. That's strange, no one ever payed attention to me.

I was leaving for Christmas, my father had told me that I had to go home or else.

I turned into the common room, my head filling with thoughts.

"Delilah, why?" was all he said, the platinum blonde boy who I  loved.

"I don't know what your talking about" I replied with a straight face, going up to  my room.
I packed everything into my trunk, jumping on it to close it shut.

"What's all that racket" Cora laughed, entering our room and jumping on her bed.

"Cora why is he mad at me" I looked up at her out of breath from all the jumping.

"I think you should talk to Draco about that Del" Was all she said before going into the bathroom for the shower.

I decided to leave a day early, no one want to talk to me and Father wanted me home so desperately.

I sighed deeply, picking up the now closed trunk and aparated outside my family home. It was a decent sized home. Not as big as Draco's mansion but big enough for 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a ball room and a decent sized library. OK it is quite fancy.

A million thoughts ran through my head as I knocked on the large wooden door. It slowly drifted open. It was unlocked.

"Hello?" I said as I stepped into the house. It was a big bloddy mess, rubbish, plates and broken pieces of glass was everywhere. I heard a scream coming from upstairs. Without thinking, I rushed up the staircase towards the noise, bashing was coming from inside. Before I  could do anything, my father flung the door open, revealing himself to be wearing a dark navy blue robe. He had a cigarette between his fingers.

"Come early have you? What a nice surprise"  he muttered, a malicious grin growing on his pale face.

"Uh, yeah" I was still speechless. I tried to look inside the room and I caught a glimpse of a young girl I didn't recognised bruised and unconscious on the bed before father slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Come downstairs Delilah, I have something to tell you" he lead you through the whole house until you got to the the living room. I sat on one sofa and he sat opposite.

"Where's mother?" I asked. I hadn't seen her beautiful black curls since I arrived (and I had been around the whole house).

"She's dead, fell down the stairs that silly woman did" he said, still grinning, not a hint of sadness.

I was speechless once again, I had no ideas what to say. My mother was my world, she protected me from my father, she was the reason I was alive. My heart broke into millions of different pieces.

"And Michael?" I asked, realising I hadn't seen my brother at all.

"In a coma at the hospital, something to do with basketball"

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