Something to Live for

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Izumi is in the hospital bed....she sees her mother right beside her, But she wasn't her usual plump self...all of that fat burned away...and she sees the bandages on her torso...from the Mantis blade still hurts 
"well i see you have recovered" she sees Recovery girl enter the room 
Izumi: "it still hurts" 
RG: "i know sweetie, You suffered a pretty serious treatment...but i also want to say this" soon she was whacked on the head 
Izumi: "OW!" 
RG: "you went against Johnny Silverhand! and Overhaul! You suffered another broken arm and now i need to get your mothers medicine in" and she walks up to her checking the vitals.
Izumi: "what happened?" 
RG: "her's a weird mixture of things and Telekinesis is one of them...but the draw back is the rapid use of Stamina...if no Stamina is let...then it will burn up the bodies fat" 
Izumi: "is she going to be alright?" worried for her mother now 
RG: "she only Malnourished she'll be fine...we keep giving her supplements to help her recover." 
Izumi: "thank happened to Mirio?" 
RG: "hm?" 
Izumi: "Mirio Togata?" 
RG: "oh that young man....he's....been expelled" 
Izumi: "What?!" 
RG: "i'm sorry honey but he suffered a bullet that deleted his quirk" 
Izumi: "no..." she needs him...they need him. 
Shoka: "IZUMI!" soon she sees her friends enter the room and was caught in a really painful hug 
Shoka: "we thought we lost you!" crying out now 
Izumi: "i don't leave my friends behind" 
Katsumi: "you fucking moron! why didn't you say anything?!" 
Aizawa: :because if she did then she would've been expelled or arrested" they see their teacher enter the room 
Bakugo: "what the fuck!" 
Shoto: "stop it Bakugo...please" 
Aizawa: "i've made some discoveries while things were happening" they listened in
Aizawa: "Ochako Uraraka...has been found" and they were surprised 
Izumi: "is she okay?!"
Aizawa: "i don't know...since your brother possessed her and made her attack me" and they were even more shocked now 
Izumi: "what?!" 
Shoto: "are....are you sure?!" 
Aizawa: "the fact her entire fighting style changed to his suddenly...and the behavior can't be anymore clear to me...he seems to be able to transfer his conscious to other bodies" 
Shoka: "my god" scared now 
Aizawa: "seems he's only limited to those with if you would to encounter any of them...then be aware of it" 
shit can this get anymore complicated 
Katsumi: "damn it...then he must've controlled her when things were getting bad" 
Bakugo: "the fucking nerd filling up his goddamn fetishes...fucking creep" 
Aizawa facepalms not really seeing the whole threat of the situation
Inko: "i....Izumi" she turns around 
Izumi: "Mom!" and she runs up to her she looks at her
Inko: "Izuku?" 
Izumi: "Mom...he escaped again...he's taken the girl...he took out Fatgum and injured many more" and she sees the lone tear rolling down her cheek the others couldn't help but feel very bad for what they did she sees the others 
Inko: " are you?" asking them 
Bakugo: "w....we....we're doing fine aunty" 
Katsumi looked away 
Shoka: "it's doing well" 
Inko: "Shoto.....your crying" she reaches out to wipe his tears away 
Inko: "it's okay to's okay" she said to her and he started to cry even more now....Shoka also started as well...they were just kids...being brought into this mess
Aizawa: "*sigh*" he has a lot of work in his hands 
Inko: "i know all of you are worried for me...but i need to talk to your teacher okay?" she said to them and they all nodded soon they began to exit the room...until
Aizawa: " stay" and she stands next to her mother soon the other students left and now they are alone 
Inko knows that look...she's not going to like it 
Aizawa: "your far too much of a threat now...he crippled more heroes....his tech is far beyond our understanding...he can switch bodies at the flick of his wrist...and can adapt and use their skills like he's always had it...and now...he took a child...and spread his influence worldwide." 
Inko: "i know" she looks away 
Aizawa: "there's someone here...who owes you an explaination" looking at Izumi Inko looks at her 
Inko: "what do you mean?" 
Aizawa: "you want to tell her or me" he said to her and she was frozen...her spine chilling...her body shaking...sweating uncontrollably 
Izumi: "" and she couldn't finish 
Aizawa: "your daughter and her friends the Todoroki and Bakugo twins have committed an act of not just bullying...but the abusing and mental torture of Izuku much that the Aldera Middle school has overlook their acts and actually approve of it...soon other students there also took part of it even if none of them were present at the time...over the span of 12 years" glaring at Izumi...Inko was silent....she didn't speak...or move at all...she was still
Inko: "......what?...." her voice trembling...shocked at the information given to her...this can't be real..her daughter...her own daughter was another reason her son became this way? 
Inko looks at Izumi: "Izumi....Izumi" she said to her she didn't want to look at her 
Inko: "Izumi...look at me...look at me Izumi" and slowly she did....she looks at her right in the eyes
Inko: " it true?" she said to her...
Izumi: ".........yes......." was all she could whimper out...and she looks at the ceiling. 
Inko: "i.....i keep telling myself that it couldn't get any worse....but every time it proves me wrong...and it's much more heartbreaking than the first...first my son....was ignored by me...neglected in our own household...the many months i spent trying to find only find out he's tore out every piece of his body to become nothing more than a Machine...Might Tower...the lives he's taken...and i've learn that not only was he bullied and tormented in his school....but my very own daughter was the reason he was being bullied there with her friends...who's parents i'm very close with....doing this to my own son!" shame and guilt wasn't the word for was utter disgust...not only to Izumi...but to herself as well
Izumi: "mom" 
Inko: "Izumi...please...i want to be alone right now" 
Izumi gets it...all this new information....she looks at her teacher and gets the approval and she leaves 
Aizawa: "do you want me to tell Yagi  or no?" he said 
Inko: "Shota.....i've really messed up haven't i" 
Aizawa stayed silent 
Inko: "*sniff* i....i..i'll tell him myself...god....i never thought it would get any worse than it what he said to me...telling me my words are just white lies...and this is me summerizing it...telling me he's found a new's all so much to take in...i need to keep strong...i need to stay strong...but every time i think my family has done something bad it just gets worse...what do i tell their parents?" 
Aizawa: "i can tell them that...if you wish" 
Inko: "please...i can't bear to look at them when i say it...Yagi is bad enough" 
Aizawa: "alright...Inko one last thing" she looks up at him 
Aizawa: "Izuku....i believe he is still there somewhere...if he saved you that night...that means he's still in there...don't lose hope Inko...for Hisashi" and he gets up to leave the room...

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now