The interview/set up

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Izuku, Shigaraki, and Overhaul sit with Gentle and La Brava across from each a very nice dinning room...soon La Brava takes out a camera and tripod getting the mics all set up and soon she boots up the computer...getting everything ready...and she sat back down putting up a scheduled livestream 
La Brava: " we go!" now it starts streaming
Gentle: "hello is i..your most sophisticated Villain Gentle...and today i have some very unexpected guest here with me today." and then La Brava then zooms out the camera pointing to them 
Shigaraki: "the leader of the League of Villains" 
Overhaul: "the leader of the Shie hessaikai" sitting near each other...
Gentle: "yes of course but there is also the other guest" and soon Izuku walks in 
Izuku: "and here's Johnny coming to you with the team" sitting down now
Gentle: "okay now here's the deal here...i woke up went outside and see the three stooges at my front door" 
Overhaul: "i would watch what you say" 
Johnny: "come on haul relax a bit...we need to be presentable" 
Overhaul: "being called a stooge?" 
Izuku: "it's for the entertainment...this shouldn't bother you...and this is important for all of us" Overhaul finally takes the chill pill...and they do the talk 

Mina walks down the stairs to the kitchen...seeing the others gather around the TV and Computer...she even sees some of Class 1-B there as well...
Mina: "um...what's going on?" seeing the others Kaminari drags her to the screen and what she Johnny Silverhand on the TV along with the other villains...who was this Beak like dude...but she heard him say he is the leader of the Shie hessaikai...and the leader of the League of Villains...this is really bad and then Gentle started to ask him questions...but some of them aren't answered but the main that caught her eye
Gentle: "why do the quirkless...admire you? like what's the deal with that?" 
Johnny: "you see here Gentle...the only difference between you and me is that i'm trying to make a difference in what i do...along with these two...and you...well you just commit a crime and then post it for views...what does the word hero mean to you?" he asked him 
Gentle: "just the people who try to take us 'villains' down...even though they themselves have their disgusting acts" 
Izuku: "you see in my eyes...the word nothing more than a corporate brand...the road to fame, Money, and they only take up that job just for those things...of course there are those who want to become heroes...for the right things...but that is almost non see my main problem with this hero the misconduct and mistreatment of the quirkless and those born with weak quirks...i attack them because they think they can control what we think, do, or speak...they think that we will just sit there and be good little children...that we won't resist...that we'll be thankful of being able to live among them. No...they will know that this...this is just the beginning...and Might's not to strike the heroes...but all those who think those who don't have a quirk can just walk all over they won't..not anymore" 
Overhaul: "simply we share the same goals...i simply want to rid this world off this virus...Quirks...they have been a disease that has been here long enough...the mistreatment of the quirkless is only the tip of the iceberg...and that is why they must be purged" 
ShigarakI: "the heroes are the real frauds here...Silverhand is right...they have only become heroes for two things...Fame and money...the two major things that corrupt a rise up in glory for their selfish needs...take a look at Captain Celebrity...his house...his things that he'll never use...he could've  used that money for charities...for things that he won't ever think of again...his supposed scandal of a quirk marriage...and to those conspiracy theorist out are them the tape" soon the image changes to Rei Todoroki...and Mina sees both Shoka and Shotos eyes widened
Shoto: "mom" 
Rei: "hello there...i'm...Rei Todoroki...i am the wife of the number two hero Endeavor...who is now number one...for years...back when i was about 14 years old....i was part of an illegal known as the makers...they would kidnap children between my age and younger...what they would do is to see the worth of our quirks...and in turn sell us to the highest bidder to whoever wants bear their children...most of time...we were just a thing...something to throw away, Disposable, trash, and they....they would either have it by force...or....when we sleep...the  things they did....that man...i just couldn't handle it....Shoto...i'm so sorry...i'm so sorry for what i did to and the family...the hospital was no different...the guards there would also have their way with me...because i was the wife of Endeavor...and he would care less about what would happen to me...but even if that man...made me give birth too five wonderful children...i'm so glad i have you all...and my heart would break if he continues on with this..." and she starts crying 
Shoto: "mom....i forgive you...i understood what you were going through...i never blamed you for anything" and Shoka was also crying as well while the others are shocked at what they're hearing 
Gentle: "poor unfortunate souls indeed...ladies and does one get back up from can life go on in this horrific world we live in?...that is the question." 
Izuku: "it keeps on going...even if we don't like it...we need to survive..."
Gentle: "and how does killing not one but multiple heroes feel?" 
Izuku: "like what stain thinks...but i try not to kill...though as contradicting as it is...with Might tower and all. But in truth i say this is the way to get things done..if they don't like it then that's their fucking problem" 
Gentle: "worried they might try to track us down?" 
Izuku: "please with the baby toys they have they can't ever figure it out...people...think that heroes are always going to save the you know why Vigilantes exist?" 
Gentle: "can't say i know" 
Izuku: "they have quirks...that are deemed not heroic or flashy....and those people get the short end of the stick...why? Because they can't save someone and use their quirk to save them? or why you need a fucking license to even use something THAT you are born with?....and here's a storie to tell you....this man who had an elastic quirk and i think you know this one so stop me if you do" and Gentle grew curious
Izuku: "this man...had a dream one time in school that he can be a hero...that he can make a difference...but one day they said he couldn't...and he was devastated This dream, This goal. Stolen away from him because he asked his idol, his own hero if he could be one with the quirk they have...the man said no to him...saying that not only is he wasting his time...But also that he was never going to make it with the quirk he has...and it's only uses would be for party tricks." 
Gentle: "this is a very interesting story...carry on" 
Izuku: "so one day...the man tried out for U.A...and he made it...he finally made it..he was going to prove them all wrong that he can be a hero.....until one day, this man was framed for something he didn't do...they found a girl..who was what you say. scarred beyond recognition...they found her wrapped around some metal..but it was stretched out...someone who would use an elastic they ended up expelling him..." 
Gentle chuckles: "that's a very interesting story you have...did they ever catch who did it?" 
Izuku: " one knows who did my opinion...i think the girl did it" and Shigaraki and Overhaul kept sipping the Tea...very interested in the story
Izuku: "i think the girl...was jealous that this man, this mans goal and determination drove her to this...because what people didn't know was the girls quirk allowed her to bend and shape any type of make look like it was elastic...all to take away the dreams and hopes this one man had." La Brava looks concern now looking at Gentle who just takes a sip of his tea
Izuku: "but in my opinion...i think the world lost a hero" and he looks up at him 
Izuku: "i think the world wasn't just ready for someone with a will like that to exist...but it's all up to him...but the world is the real judge of it...and it won't be fair about it either" 
Gentle smiles: "what a very bitter ending...don't you think?" 
Izuku: "i wouldn't call it an ending...i's just left off at a cliffhanger...but who knows...not up to me to tell the story" 
Overhaul: "indeed" 
Shigaraki: "another reason to just purge this world of heroes...they aren't needed...the meaning of a hero is to save one with no thought about be do the right thing...not to go and get a license for it...not to go to a school for it...but no, it all became some copyright brand to fill up their pockets and leave the ones who are helpless in the dust" 
Overhaul just sips his tea...

meanwhile at another location the heroes are now monitoring the hideout...and they were caught of guard from the livestream taking place as Izumi pulls out her phone and puts it on...they were shocked...hearing about this quirk marriage..and Shoto and Shokas father...bought his wife literally...and he made her bear his was about the man...the story...he was also unfortunately caught in the cruelty of the world...but is he talking about Gentle? one knows...only they know, Kirishima was now understanding a little...but it still isn't right for them to take all these lives...but one question remains...what happened to Ochako Uraraka? is she still captured and being she dead?...or something else happened? soon they will know for sure when they raid this place. 
Izumi: "My god" 
Tsuyu: "they went through a lot...i never knew it was this bad kero" 
Kirishima: "damn it....why" he won't admit it...but...he's right...what is the true meaning of a hero?
Aizawa: " can't let this get to you...we need to focus on the task right now" and they nodded although Kirishima still couldn't get it out of his head.
Nighteye: "hold on" waiting for the signal...they see a car drive up. some of the Yakuza members get in...

as Izuku and the others are now getting a call 
Izuku: "yes?" 
Jirou: "they're here" 
Izuku: "understood" soon he got up
Izuku: "it's time" and they nod
Shigaraki: "as much as we like to stay's time we leave" 
Izuku: "been nice talking to you even if it was short" and he shook his hand 
Gentle: "pleasure" soon they all left the room 
La Brava: "so what's going to happen?" 
Gentle: "we...just had a nice boost in our career...and a war has begun"
Izuku: "let's be off then...and to whoever made this shirt" now showing the shirt with the words on them
Izuku: "thanks for your support...and remember...fuck the heroes" then he leaves leaving the shirt on the chair....soon they start booking it towards the car knowing that they are now being hunted...Izuku once everyone was in hits the pedal and starts speeding down the road back to the hideout....
Shigaraki: "so now what's the plan?" 
Izuku: "we pay some heroes a visit" then he pulls out his shades and puts them on while driving away towards the hideout  
Gentle: "godspeed Silverhand" 
La Brava: "what do you think of him?" 
Gentle: "i believe as much to the peoples opinion on doing the right thing"

Nighteye: "alright....the police has finally issued a warrant to raid everyone in position?" 
Kirishima: "oh man...we need to save this girl" 
Izumi: "on it" 
Mirio: "today is the day...we will protect her" 
Tsuyu was nervous 
Ryukyu: "don't worry...remember to be calm" 
Tsuyu: "but...what about Johnny?" 
Ryukyu didn't know how to reassure them...the machine is there as well...or his buddies waiting to kill them. 
Fatgum: "Johnny didn't face us back at Might tower...he will regret the choice of going against the heroes" 
Aizawa: "hm" 
Inko: "Izuku" watching with Gran who is told to protect her...
soon the other heroes got into position....soon Nighteye gave the raid the Yakuza headquarters...and save Eri from the clutches of Johnny Silverhand!

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