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Izuku Midoriya....who is also known as Izuku Yagi the son of Toshinori Yagi along with his sister Izumi Yagi are both in the hospital for a very good reason.....their quirk analysis...this is to determine what type of quirk they will be getting seeing as they have reached the age where it would start to manifest itself 
Doctor: "okay Mr and Ms Yagi i have the results here for you both" and they were excited to see what type of quirk they will get 
Doctor: "it seems Young Izumi here has a stronger version of Ms Midoriyas here....a telekinetic quirk.." and the young girl was excited she can now strive to become a hero 
Izumi: "you here that dad i can be a hero now!" 
Yagi: "indeed you can sweetheart" 
Inko: " what is Izukus?" she asked and Izuku who also excited can't wait for the results 
the doctor looks at them seriously before he lets out a sigh 
Doctor: "young Izuku here.......he......he's quirkless." those very words that echoed in the mind of the young boy....he was powerless, he was now a living relic that should've died off long ago dropping his all might figure on the ground he stares at the floor defeated by the results
Yagi: "i mean....this...this has to be a mistake right?" not believing his son is quirkless
Doctor: "i have run through all of the required test to see if i was wrong...but unfortunately not only does he have the extra joint in his little toe here.....there are also no signs of any quirk cells in his body....i'm sorry young man" he said before he leaves the room 

the car ride home was as you expected mainly about Izumi and her quirk her parents were proud of her and they are 100 percent fully supporting their daughters dream....Izuku however was ignored by them....and almost immediately giving all their attention to his half-sister. it was frustrating to him, sure his step father was quirkless like him....but his biological father had a fire breathing quirk he thought that he would have something like that or better yet...Pyrokinesis, but no whatever higher power that existed wanted him to be powerless and weak. soon after this Izuku just leaves to his room he looks at some of the all might themed merch he has and doesn't want to look at it. he took them down and stored them in his closet before he cried himself to sleep that one to comfort him, no one to say good night, or hearing the usual 'l love you son' it all went to Izumi and he hated himself since that day.

but of course....this didn't stop here....the next day at school they had found Izukus quirkless status and immediately he felt alienated from the rest of the class....his bestfriends Katsuki Bakugo and his sister Katsumi...with Shoto and Shoka Todoroki also had powerful quirks....and once they knew about his quirkless status they all started to bully him...and they have been doing this since. first it would start off as a way to deter Izuku from becoming a hero. it ended up something as a routine. to where they would hurt him out of frustration, anger, or just felt like it. and this has been continuing on for the next 11 years 

Teacher: "alright class today we have our career day for all of you to choose what you want to be when you grow up" but then he throws the papers out of the window
Teacher: "but knowing all of want to be heroes" and the class cheered showing off their quirks in the classroom 
Teacher: "Alright all of you know the rules about using your quirk in public...much less in class" 
Bakugo: "hey teach don't compare us to these extras!" he said meaning him his sister the todorokis and Izumi
"hey that's not fair Bakugo!" 
"Just because you have a good quirk means your better then us!" 
Bakugo: "Shut the fuck up extras you could barely even hold a candle to us let alone even have the balls to stand up to me....because we are going to U.A!" and the class were chatting about how U.A the most exceptional school in all of Mustafu has only a .2% acceptance. but not one but FIVE of their classmates are going to enter. 
Teacher: "oh yeah....Midoriya you also signed up right?" he said to Izuku who was in shock now
Izuku: 'jerk' and soon the class started to laugh 
"Midoriya in U.A?! what a joke" 
"he's quirkless what could a freak like him do?" 
"i heard his real dad left because he was quirkless" 
"Bakugo did say he had a quirk too so it makes him even more pathetic" 
"Deku" Izuku flinched hearing his sister call his name 
Izumi then flicks the desk out of the way
Izumi: "we have told you may not apply to U.A" 
Bakugo: "you really think they would let a quirkless in?" 
Izuku: "b-b-but they got rid of that rule....maybe i could join the support class i know a few designs on how to improve quirks and-" then he was punched by Bakugo 
Teacher: "ENOUGH!! all of you!" he shouted then they stopped and went back to their respective seats 

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic VillainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin