The only thing Heroes fear is Johnny

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Izumi was scarred forever...Johnny or no...IZUKU was the one who planned all of this 
Bakugo: "You fucking nerd...why are you with them! you always wanted to be a hero!!"he yelled out
Izuku: "time's changed Kacchan" he mockingly said it...
Ochako was also shocked she thought Izumis brother was being tortured..begin forced to make the cyberware...but she sees it now...she sees he's been doing this to himself...he's the one with the most cyberware on him....looking far more dangerous than any villain could get.
Izumi: "why.....why.......why.....why.......why" heartbroken she couldn't help but feel bad for her....
Izuku then laughs: "oh know how long i have been waiting for this moment?! forever have i wanted to see how broken you can get sis...i'll tell you didn't disappoint...seriously...getting into U.A so you could save me?! from what exactly? the villains...the people who actually care for us outcast? all you wanted to do was to bring me back to that hell be ignored and abandoned again...but hey...i have to thank you...without your little hell you brought on me...i wouldn't have been able to become what i am today!" soon he started to light his armor on fire
Izuku: "now then you pest" as the fire is burning his armor
Izuku: "take a the new Izuku Midoriya!" as the armor completely burned away they couldn't help but throwup or be in terror...his entire body...lines and metal was all that made up his structure...the skin wasn't even real...wires and pipes running through him made all the more terrifying for them...they had failed....there was no hope for him now
Shoka: "Izuku....what did you do?" 
Jirou: "he had the balls to take it to the next level" taking of her armor as well leaving her in her tank top her cyberware also exposed 
Jirou: "and we are the peak of the tech he made" 

Shigaraki: "well then...i guess he told them" 
Kurogiri: "it would seem so" 
Mandalay: "STOP VILLAINS!!!" she and the pussycats ran towards them making different formation while Pixie-Bob made her earthmonsters
Shigaraki: "heh....cute" soon he activates the plasma blaster...and he fires it on the earth monsters killing it easily 
Tiger King: " damn it" soon Kurogiri sees in the distance Toga fighting two other students...seems she's having a hard time....
Toga: "AHH AHH AHH AHH" spinning and swinging her blades frantically Tsuyu managed to hit her in the gut knocking her back 
Toga: " aren't making this fun!" 
Tooru was basically useless as Toga used her optimizer to see her with the scanner....she was practically quirkless in this situation...
Tooru: "come on....HAH!" trying to kick her 
Toga: "ooh you want to try?" soon she slashes her torso causing blood to splatter 
Tooru: "AHH!" and she falls down
Dabi was dealing with Kirishima, Kaminari, and Momo
Dabi: "Oh so this is the porcelain bitch" 
Momo: "you!" 
Kaminari: "seriously is that you are known as to them?" 
Dabi: "none of your business" 
soon Kirishima rushes forward 
Dabi: "come on...your trying to be a that really all you can do?" soon a small flashbang grenade landed under his feet and he stares at it
Dabi: "....shit" and it explodes causing his ears to ring intensely 
Momo: "NOW!!" and they rush in trying to capture him...but Dabi uses the scanner to see through the flash and then he releases his blue fire around him creating a dome of some sort
Kaminari: "man these guys are tough" 
Kota: "AHHH!!!!"running away from Muscular while Mina and Sero try to stop him 
Muscular: "come on that all you really have?" he walks slowly towards them...knowing their efforts are useless 

Izumi finally heard the scream: "Kota!" she looks over and Izuku does the same 
Izuku: "*sigh* there he goes on his kill fetish again" 
Jirou then blocks an incoming attack from Bakugo 
Izuku: "ooh....that was nice" 
Ochako: "your her brother" 
Izuku: "hm....i remember you....the entrance exam...the one my slut sister saved." she was frightened he was the one who made the zero pointer malfunctioned
Izumi then charges in and grabs Izuku knocking them both off the cliff 
Jirou: "Izuku!" 
Ochako then manages to use her quirk on her causing her to float
Ochako: "Jirou please stop this!" she begs 
Jirou: "you of all people should know the truth Uraraka!" 

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now