first mission/training

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Izumi had a strange day today...first was that lida was acting strange...he didn't sit at the table during lunch and was quiet the whole day...he didn't talk about the rules or scolded anyone...even Katsumi noticed...and although she won't admit herself...she misses his scolding and robotic nature. 
Izumi: "alright ladies...we are going to do an intervention" telling to the group 
Bakugo: "the fuck you called me?" 
Katsumi:  "oh shut up for once" 
Shoka: "*sigh*" Shoto looks at himself 
Shoto: "do i look like a girl?" he said 
Izumi smacks herself: "no don't" 
Shoto: "oh" they looks at Ochako who was sitting at a different table...not talking to them as well especially after her outburst yesterday so they went up to lidas table who was sitting with Ochako and Tsuyu
Izumi: "okay lida....what's up?" she said 
lida: "i'm sorry?" 
Shoto: "your not acting like your usual self today" 
lida: " it that obvious?" 
Katsumi: "the pervert grapist was running in the didn't say is there anything going on?" she said in concern
lida: " it's just a family matter it shouldn't be of concern" 
Izumi: "we're classmates lida...your well being matters...if you don't want to talk about it then that's okay...but we want to help in some way" 
lida: "no's alright...i just....i just need some time to myself...but thank you for your concern" and they got up and left...
Izumi: "something's eating at him....but what?" 

a few hours later  (nighttime) 

Jirou was having a hard time training with Izuku...first he made her do battle rope exercises...working her techniques with the monowires...sure it's a mechanical arm...but it's now connected to her nervous system...she can feel it and it was weird...then he made her use a training vest to improve her upper body strength...but right after that...Stain came in and soon she departed RIGHT after her small training session. 
So now she's waiting on top of a rooftop with the hero killer...they are in the rich side of town.
Jirou: "so...what are we doing?" 
Stain: "be quiet." he said focusing on the streets he made no attempt to start a conversation 
Jirou: 'so social' sarcastic about it soon he pulls out his sword 
Stain: "alright i'm going to tell you what's going on" she listened 
Stain: "my goal is to purge a certain Captain Celebrity" really...that's his name?!
Jirou: "with a name like that...i can already smell the douchbaggery in him" 
Stain: "indeed...his mansion is" pointing at the property
Jirou: " now what?" 
Stain: "you" he hands her a keycard 
Stain: "are going to kill him" he said 
Jirou: "wait...aren't you going to help get in?!" protesting now
Stain: "ugh....i have no idea what Johnny sees in you...but you better be worth it...yes you are going to kill him alone...this is your test...from me" 
Jirou: "alright then...could....could you at least give me some intel?" 
Stain pulls out a small notebook: "here" and hands it to her
opening it she looks at the information him...which is mostly the highlights of windows and then the words 'get the hell out of dodge' 
Jirou: "really? that's all?!" 
Stain: "if you want to complain go ahead the notes are only should've asked Johnny for info" wait..she could've done that well shit
Jirou: "alright...i'll...figure something out" then she jumped off 
Stain: "good luck...i'm supervising so i get to tell Johnny how you did" and he was on COMs now
Putting on her mask and hood she concealed her face and also had a body vest on...soon she reaches the front gates...seeing about two guards in the premises soon she heads to the small opening in the gates...since she has no quirk...she can get through just fine...however she scans the area and sees multiple cameras she activates her scanner... and inserts a daemon
'Friendly mode' and soon the outer cameras will not sound off if she is on sight so she heads to the side windows connecting to the garden 
Jirou: "what type of fucking hero needs all this stuff?" whispering 
Stain: "the kind that could've uses that MONEY for the helpless" 
Jirou continued on and found a way in she sees all types off pictures from heroes celebrities...and things that should could never afford in her lifetime.
Jirou: "wasted money indeed" and then she continues up stairs...not much guards but it was about to change...
Jirou: "alright...i think i'm getting near the master bedroom" talking into the COMs
Stain: " be cautious he might not seems like it...his combat skills are tricky" 
Jirou: "got it" soon she opens the door...and sees him...he was doing something on the computer until he sees Jirou 
CCelebrity: "what the?...who are you?!" he said 
Jirou stayed silent...great soon he activates his quirk 
CCelebrity: "no matter...i shall dispose of you quickly!

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