finding the truth

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sturring in her sleep Ochako wakes up to see herself tied up and chained to the chair in the middle of the room 
Ochako: "ugh!" trying to break out of it...she used her quirk on the chains to make her float...but they were bolted to the ground preventing her...they know soon the door opens...and the crusty guy comes in
Shigaraki: "so your the first one awake then...." and he walks out...hearing a bunch of commotion and chatting..even some laughin soon the door opens and Izuku walks in
Izuku: "so you are the first one" smirking
Ochako: "where am i" 
Izuku: "in the hideout...obviously i'm working on some things...but hey...i'm told to talk to you" 
Ochako: "talk to me...about what" 
Izuku: "see they have this ridiculous idea...that if i try to talk to you...i can convince you to join the league" oh...that type of talk
Ochako: "well it's won't make me join" 
Izuku: "Oh please...even i can tell you have are doubting the heroes....tell me this...since you know that my sister and her friends are horrible people...why aren't they expelled yet? or why is my parents not arrested for what they did to me" she was quiet
Izuku: "i'll tell you step All Might himself" 
Ochako: "YOU LIE!" 
Izuku: "Toshinori Yagi....married to my mother Inko Yagi who used to be Inko MIdoriya. Married for 16 years." Izuku then pulls out a picture...the picture of them and his family when he was a child 
Izuku: " what it used to be" seeing him now as a scares her...he looked so innocent and kind....sweet even...pure he is here the worst type of evil possible
Ochako: "fine....tell me then" 
Izuku: "oh's more of a personal matter here at the league...but someone does want to talk to you...JIROU!!" soon the door opens and she walks in 
Jirou: "so she's awake" 
Ochako: "Jirou...please help me out!" begging to her classmate...she looks at him then at her
Jirou: "no can do Uraraka...i'm with the league it or not...this is my choice..." she couldn't believe it...
Izuku: "now that's settled...i'm going to check on our other guest" and he exits the room 
Jirou: "you doesn't have to be this way Ochako....there's is no reason for us to kill one another....join us...see the truth.

Yagi: "Inko...." he holds her close...after the revelation from Aizawa who was standing there quietly  she was quietly sobbing....she didn't move at all she was broken...the last glimpse of hope of seeing their son is over....for this whole time...she had waited for him to come home....sitting in the chair and would stay by the door for one whole year she has been doing this...and now...she is told her son is not only found...but he is in fact...the supervillain Johnny...and he has claimed over 3000 lives...her son...Hisashis son...she has failed him...she failed her first love. 

Inko: "what do you want to name him?" asking her husband his black spiky hair...his black yellow eyes...freckles and of course... his signature fire coming out of his his mouth glows an ember orange
Hisashi: "you can name about Izuku?"
Inko giggles: "you want to name him Izuku..." 
Hisashi: "if it's okay with you....i'm fine with whatever you come up with" 
Inko: "i'll think about it...okay" 
HIsashi: "Of course....i love you" 
Inko: "i do to" then of course the day had come....
"I'm sorry mam...your husband...he was killed in an accident...we are still looking into it...but right there anyone you can contact to help you?" 
Inko: "no......only his friend" 
"what's his name?" 
Inko: "Toshinori Yagi" soon right after this.....the baby was born 
Doctor: "congrats's a boy" she handed her, her first child...he has his mothers eyes and hair....but...she noticed that he also had Hisashis freckles....his spiky hair...and his blood....her son was the last living reminder of him....
Doctor: "what will his name be?" she asked him 
Inko: "...Izuku.....Izuku Midoriya" smiling at him...she would hold him close to her...she will never let him go
until now
flashback ends

Inko holds the photo of him closely....what would Hisashi say to her....what would he do....he would most likely try to take him stop this madness 
Yagi: "inko" 
Inko: "*sniff* i'm''s been very difficult trying to accept it now" 
Aizawa: "I know...and i'm sorry for failing you as well" 
Inko: "you don't understand...i failed him...i failed my first husband" of course...he's heard about Hisashi...went to a school in America....become the hero known as Firedrake there...he was respectable, and of course a leader to the he can see where his son got those traits 
Inko: "i miss him Toshi....i want him home" 
Yagi: "it's out of our reach now Inko.....he's.....he's Johnny....he took the lives of thousands....he needs to be stopped"
Inko: "i's why" they both look concern
Inko: "that's why i'm going to talk to him myself...when the time is right...i want to see him"
Aizawa: "that is the worst idea that i have ever heard" 
Inko  glares at him...even though most of the time she is kind and angry the most terrifying thing
Yagi: "please Inko...i don't want anything to happen to you...i promised Hisashi....i promised you" 
Inko: "and i promised him that i would protect my son....and i failed him...horribly..." 
Aizawa: "just give us some time...we'll get need a long talk with him...and you" and they both nod
Aizawa: "but for now...we need to find the missing students" 

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