The Joke/ his Influence

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Izumi and Mirio sit across from Nighteye in a small room...sitting on a couch they both stare at each other 
Izumi was uncomfortable...he didn't show any type of emotion besides being simular to her teacher...possibly worse
Nighteye stares right at Mirio and then right at Izumi
Nighteye: "if you wish for me to intern you...i only have one task to which you must complete" and she was nervous to what this task is going to be 
Izumi nods and gulps wondering what devious task this is going to be 
Nighteye: " laugh" to which the both of them just sat there confused
Mirio/Izumi: "eh?" 
Nighteye: "you heard me...otherwise you will be brought to that machine you just saw my sidekick see...Humor...intrigues me...i simply like to my sense of humor can be quite immersive...what you saw back there is my sidekick failing to make the field report 'funny' so...humor me" and he sits there his strong presence alone can dull even Mina...
Izumi: "um...okay" trying to think of something....what to do what to do....oh...soon she gets up on the table and then 
Izumi: "EAT THIS!!!" trying her best making an All Might impersonation...Mirio saw her face all scrunched up...
Mirio: 'she looks constipated....pfft' having a hand over his mouth  he looks at Nighteye...
Nighteye: "what is this....are you making a joke of your father..mocking him as you did your brother?!"to which made fall off...
Mirio: 'her brother? she has a brother? and what's this about...mocking him that isn't very hero like soon Nighteye gestures to Mirio
Nighteye: "leave us to Bubble something...i need a word with her alone" 
Mirio: "yes Sir" and he walks out leaving Izumi to sit in the chair 
Nighteye: "that expression...why did you do it" 
Izumi: "i was trying to impersonate my fathers face when he went to save that kid in that river of vinegar...made his face all plumped but he was still smiling" 
Nighteye: "yes i'm aware of it...but not even the All Might fansite would even dare mention such a minor deed" 
Izumi: "well...i grew some inspiration from it...i want to help people in the best always do it with a smile on my face" 
Nighteye: "and your brother" he said  now killing the mood again
Izumi: "what about him" she said annoyed to which irritates him
Nighteye: "you would have the gall talking about saving people with a smile on your face...and look at your took away a man's dream...and hopes...with a smile on your do not deserve that quirk...or any's a cold heartless killer on the quest to destroy society itself...and he had a lot of chances to turn bad...but you pushed the final nail in....from what i heard...he was kind, smart, goodwilled, selfless, and even had the most heroic heart...but instead you and others have trampled all over it..perverting it to become nothing but cold...stone....and empathy for mercy for heroes...why is that?" he said 
Izumi: "i want to save him now...i said this already...i want to be the one to give him another chance...a chance of being a hero" and Nighteye shook his head
Nighteye: "you really don't get it do made him this someone once told me.....'Those who are heartless, Once cared too much' thus he buried his heart away...his emotions...becoming Johnny Silverhand.  how will you fix that broken dream...a broken heart is not so easily fixed...nor is the hopes that shattered in him, his mentality...he is no longer the same boy you used to know and of all people show know that" 
Izumi just sits there in silence...again she is having this conversation...first from Ochako, then Jirou, her Sensei...and now...her fathers former Sidekick...Gran just straight out told her to fuck off and never talk to him again. 
NIghteye: "as i then the to show me if you are worth my time and have that quirk...i cannot let this go easily and i have no idea why that idiot decided to give it to you of all then the test is must take the stamp here and try to take this employment document...if you stamp become my intern...if you don' don't become my intern, Got it?" he said to her
Izumi: "right" 
NIghteye: "and there is one restriction...use only One For All...none of that Telekinesis....i'm testing your proficiency with that quirk." and she nods again 
Nighteye: "very have minutes...Begin" and she charges in

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