3. A surprise attack

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Blooms pov

I ran as fast as I could while I could hear this thing right behind me, it's getting closer. I could barely breathe and I was blind from the panic, I had no idea where I was going. This building suddenly seemed huge to me, if I run into a dead end now then that's it. Driven by this frightening thought I increased my speed as far as I could. I'll soon have no strength left.
I ran into a room that looked familiar and there I saw my Angel, my Guardian Angel that would save me... Well, almost.
Ms. Dowling was standing there, her eyes already glowing in a dangerous silvery tone, I slowed down.
"Don't stop know!"
she said and pointed at the door, almost jumping I made it out, turned around just to see the Headmistress throwing the beast against the wall before the door closed. Out of breath I stood there trembling and stared at the door, not quite sure what just had happened.
I spinned around and saw Aisha, Terra and Musa standing there.
"Are you okay?" Aisha asked.
My lungs started to hurt and I was shaking but I wasn't physically hurt.
"Yeah... Yeah, I think so. What the hell was that thing!"
"I'm pretty sure it's called a burned one."
I looked at Terra questioningly.
"Well it's a-"
I cut her off.
"Wait, where is Stella?"
"At school, why?"
"That burned thing has her Ring...!"

Farah's pov

"Don't stop know!" I said as I saw Bloom slowing down, her eyes beaming from relieve. As soon as she was out, I closed the door. This was nothing for a child's eye. The burned one was running towards me now, terrifyingly fast. I focused on the beast and I immediately felt my powers rushing through my body.
So Powerful!
It had been a long time since I've used my powers to the fullest, after all, this was no longer necessary in Alfea's everyday life, but oh did it feel good!
I unleashed the ball of energy on the burned one leaving a delicious feeling of satisfaction.
The fight went on for exactly 1 more minute until I managed to weaken the Beast, enough to chain it up and bringing it outside. The girls were gone, I assured myself that they were behind the barrier before I made my way to a little barn with my silent and very ugly companion. So here we are
I thought, right back were she left us...

Saul's pov

"You should've called me!"
I stepped restless, up and down in her office. I couldn't believe what I just heard. So Ben was right... Of course he was!
"Calm yourself Soul."
She looked out of the window her thoughts far away.
"I chained it up in a barn outside the barrier."
"You should've killed it!"
"And left it in the human world?"
"You should've brought it back here and then killed it!!" I shouted,
why was I so angry? Farah turned around, surprised by my sudden outburst. And while I looked at her, standing in the glow of the moon, I felt sorry. She looked tired and my rage was not helping. More calmly I asked her
"Did it touch you?"
"No, I'm not infected."
A wave of relief swept over me, she is OK.
"I've got Ben to make up some oil from the Zanbaq flowers in the Greenhouse. I've dosed it, it won't be conscious for hours."
Oh no, this was going in the wrong direction.
"I need to get in it's head!"
"I don't think that that's a good idea-"
"So now that we actually have proof and have captured a burned one you want me to do nothing!? You and Ben were right, I need to know if this is an isolated incident or something more."
"Something more? Like what? What do you mean with something m-"
"I found a changeling in the First World."
I stared at her, processing what she had just said. A changeling...
"I've not heard of one of those in centuries..."
"And yet there she was, scared and lost after discovering her powers. Left sixteen years ago... right around the time the last burned one was spotted."
"You believe this is all connected..."
I looked at her and our eyes met. Of course she was thinking that. Her brown eyes radiated something warm, without even thinking I stepped closer.

Farahs pov

He stepped closer and now I could not only feel his mental presence but also his body warmth.
"I'm struggling Saul, Rosalind kept so much from us. I've spent the whole summer trying to figure out more but it's almost impossible! It's a huge puzzle and I don't understand the half of it. It runs deeper than we know."
"The whole summer you said? So that's why you're so moody."
"Very funny, did you listen to what I just said, I'm struggling!" Unbelievable, but I still had to slightly smile and judging from his expression that was exactly what he'd hoped for. Such a charmer, but with such bad timing I thought.
"I heard you, and I think you right."
His face had changed back to the seriousness that it had before, well at least he knows how serious this really is.
"I'm worried about the students. The Alfea they know is so very different from the one we attended. They have still so much life to experience. Even if this world were safe, what they're experiencing can feel impossible. But this world is not safe at all, and I don't know how long we'll be able to protect them from it."
I watched his face, I saw him listening to me, lost in his thoughts. I slowly took his Hand in mine.
"I know you feel it too..."
He looked up.
"The shift. They've had order for so long, they don't know what chaos feels like."
I gently squeezed his hand. I felt him stroke my hand slightly with his thumb.
"They might soon."


Thanks for reading, this was a lot of Saul and Farah content, but in the next chapters I'm gonna try to go in, in some other aspects. I also wanna try to create a flashback to discover more about their past. Let's see what comes to mind. Hope you enjoyed. Suggestions and co. are like always welcome. See you soon.

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