1. A Dangerous Discovery

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Farahs pov

I walked through the hallway with a quick pace. Saul had called for me and it sounded very urgent.

Because of their special fairy-specialist bond she could feel his emotions and his presence even when he was miles away. She didn't even had to use her powers for that, Farah was like an antenna that always got his signal whether she wanted it or not. She was very well trained but with him around she had to focus more.

There he was, standing in the entrance of Alfea. He was in his uniform, that's odd I thought. I reached out to him with my mind and felt his deep sorrow. As I came closed I saw that he was not alone, Ben stood next to him also with a darkend face. "Gentleman"
they noticed me and I felt Saul's piercing gaze on me, I met his eyes something is wrong...
"What happened?"
"There has been a little accident... uhm, best if you see for yourself." Ben said and started walking towards the barrier. Worried I turned to Saul but he just looked at me and said
"you won't like this."

Saul's pov

This can't be! This can't happen again! We walked through the woods leaving the school and the barrier behind us. Ben up front and me and Farah right behind him. I didn't need to be a mind fairy to feel that Farah was tense and her bad feeling was growing. I wish I could take her hand or say something but that would not help. We are friends I reminded myself.
"Ah" Ben sighed.
He had stopped and was now kneeling on the ground next to something that looked like a burnt animal. Blood was everywhere and as I came closer I recognized the victim, it was no animal, it was a Human. His body was almost completely cut open and some wounds where burned. He had scratchmarks engraved deep into his flesh.
"One of your students found the poor man Saul, I believe his name is Riven. Don't know what he was doing out here but he was utterly traumatized." murmured Ben as he began to inspect the wounds and scrape off some of the burned pose with a knife. Riven! I have to keep an eye on that one
I thought. I chose to not go further on the Riven trail so I drew the attention back to the body.    
"It's fresh"
"Maybe a wolf?" Farah said
stepping forward. Her face was hard like stone, no emotions to see. It was clear that she already knew that this was no doing of an animal.
"Or a Bear. Could have gone out to protect his herd, got surprised" I said "I'm happy to continue the guessing game, but this is char residue." Ben's face had become a bit pale while he registered what he had just said. My stomach cramped and a deeply entrenched feeling slowly crept up. No, I thought, not yet and I tried to push it down.
"How long since the last sighting?" "About two decades-"
"Sixteen years. Rosalind was relentless." Interrupted Farah.
I tried to reach her with my mind but I got blocked. She was way better at keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself even with our bond.
"Could've been hiding in the mount-" I began but Farah interrupted again, this time with a harsher tone
"She killed all the Burned ones!"
"We thought she did."
"Ben what we think is irrelevant!" And suddenly I could feel her fear, she was scared. She is trying to deny it, even to herself.
"The barrier is doing it's job. Until we know something for sure, let's clean this mess up before gossip starts." That said she turned around and went back to the school. With another deep sigh, Ben looked at me now.
"I know Ben. And she does too."
"Sure she does, but she is trying to deny it. There is no use for that, we could use these moments before chaos  to prepare ourselves."
"You think there are more of them?" This is a nightmare, I felt the wellknown panic rising but I pushed it, again, back down.
"I don't know Saul, but I believe we should take this serious. This is a warning! Just think, this could've been a student. This could've been Riven. Some students still think that they know everything about the world and come out here even if it is simply not safe." I watched Ben scratching off some more of the Body and inspecting the blood while I thought about his words, he is right, we have to act quickly.
"I'll go talk to Farah." With an absent nod from Ben, I turned around and started running back to Alfea, I'll hopefully catch her before she reaches the barrier, the little conversation they will have was nothing a student should hear.


Alright, now we got the base for the relationship between Farah and Saul, I'm very excited to explore what will happen between those two. I hope you liked it, suggestions and co. are always welcome. See you soon.

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