Chapter 1 Hermione P.O.V (rewritten)

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Voldemorts body hit the floor with a thud. I ran to Harry, just a few moments ago I thought I had lost him, "Hermione where is Ron"

"He.. he" I choked but could not find the words I could not bring myself to say it.

Ron had died and it was all my fault.

Hand in hand Harry and I slowly walked over to the hall, Seamus was the first to spot us from the bench he was sitting on, he stood up and started clapping, other people joined in, Hagrid approached us giving us one of his tight hugs.

As soon as we were free, I took Harry to Ron, Mrs Weasly was sobbing uncontrollably, as soon as she saw us she came over, I expected Mrs Weasly to scold e for not dying for living instead of Ron instead she just gave me a tight hug.

Madam Pomfrey made her way over to us after checking on Nevel who had a long gash down the side of his face "Madam Profry thank you for all you do" Fred and George wrapped their arms around her in a hug winking at me, I mouthed thank you and ran out, I trundled up all the stairs to Gryffindor tower.

The fat lady opened up for me, the common room was a mess, with a flick of my wand I put the room to rights and sat in front of the newly lit fire just as I had done with Ron on many occasions, I could no longer hold back the floods of tears for my dead brother. I barred my face in my knees, I felt the cool breeze of wings flapping in front of me so I slowly raised my head, an owl flew in and dropped a letter at my feet

Dear Hermione,
When you read this the battle will most likely have finished, I have reserved confirmation that your adopted parents Jean and Eric Granger were murdered by death eaters, I am sorry that this has happened but you must be strong.
Yours Sincerely,
Kingsly Shacklebolt

I could imagine his calm deep voice reading to me the letter, I slid off the sofa bringing my knees up to my face as the tears kept flowing, my body was screaming at me in pain begging me to tell Madam Pofry a request I would not fulfil. I pulled out an old piece of parchment from my bag along with a quill and inkpot, I lightly dabbed the quill into the pot before drawing a deep breath

It pained me so much not being able to tell you what was happening I can only begin to imagine how worried you were, just know I am safe and everything is over. Jean and Eric are both dead, I promise I will see you soon. I love you and Charlie more than I can express in words.

I folded the letter and stood by the open window, a chocolate brown owl came and took the letter of me I knew I was going to see my sister soon.

Authors Note:
Thank you for giving my book ago, I did not like how I had written the first chapter so  rewrote it let me know if you liked it
Thank you from 

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