Chapter 4

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Hers the next chap. Sorry if it sucks. haha


Chapter  4


I awoke to the sound of my phone vibrating. I wasn't sure who was calling me considering it was 5 a.m. I answered it anyways.

 "Hello?" "Miss Luvvel, I would appreciate it if you would stop seeing my son. I think you know who I am talking about. The thing is, is he didn't come home last night because of a fight we had over the phone. I....I just want what is best for my son and I know that you are not it. Please just stay away from Alex."

  And he hung up. Just like that. I didn't even get a chance to get one word in. What a bad start to my day.

I got up from there because there was no way I was going to be able to fall back asleep. I decided to hop in the shower. As I got in I kept thinking how Mr. Greenwich had just said what he had to say and that was it. He didn't even give me a chance to say anything.

 I wonder if that's the principal in him or if that's just how awful he really is. Either way, I didn't care. No one is going to tell me what I can or can't do. He just better watch what he says to me next time, if there even is a next time.

I walked to school a couple hours later. I took the long way by my creek. Since I didn't care if I was late or not I sat down. I started thinking. Why would Mr. Greenwich say those things to me? Why was I so bad for Alex?

Well that one I knew but still...What did he have against me? For all he knew I could be planning to stay human. The fact was, was that he knew nothing about me. And the other fact was that despite all our studying these past few weeks, Alex knew even less about me. I wonder if he even knew about his father.

My mother later told me that "Robert Greenwich" had decided to stay human more than 25 years ago. Alex is 18. His father might not have even told him. Why would he have? I would see no point. Anyways, I was about to get up to start walking to school when Alex came walking up to me.

I was caught completely off guard. I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him what his father called to tell me? No. I couldn't. Maybe he already knew.

He sat down next to me and said "So..... I'm sure my dad probably called you." I started to say something but he cut me off with "Wait. I'm sorry okay. I think I should explain some things to you. Things I probably shouldn't. Things you probably won't even believe."

 I sat there thinking of something to say. "Listen Alex, I know.....I think I know why your dad doesn't want you around me." I can't exactly say that I didn't think he would believe me. Shit, I barely believed it.

"Alex, I'm a..."  He cut me off with his mouth. Now that, I was not expecting. It was a nice surprise though. He was kissing me as if he was never going to see me again.

 It was so deep and hungry that at first I didn't even notice his hands going up the back of my sweater. I didn't want to stop him though. My body wanted more but my mind said stop. I needed to tell him what I was. Even if he didn't believe me.  I reached up and pushed him away. Hating every second of it.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked. Uh yea, I'm a vampire. I only have a few months to decide between my parents or choosing to be human. I didn't know what to say.

"Listen Lily, there's something I have to tell you. Okay.....I'm not your average guy. I'm what you would call a........ vampire. Please, before you say anything just here me out. Can you do that?" Although at that very moment I was completely frozen, I just nodded yes.

"Okay this whole vampire thing happened years ago. I'm not going to go into that though. I just want you to know that first and foremost you're safe with me. I would never do anything to hurt you. I want you to know that this wasn't a choice for me. I was born this was. My father used to be a vampire years ago. But when his time came to choose, he chose life. He wanted to be human for his remaining years." Okay so he knew about his dad then. Glad I didn't have to break that to him. "See he thought if he chose to be a vampire then he wouldn't have a life of his own. He would have to move stay in England for good. England is where my family must live once we have made the choice. It's like we owe it to them or something. Anyways, he didn't want that. See, he.... or I should really say we, we come from what you might call a very prestigious family. Once you make the decision to stay a vampire then you're tithed to them for life. They will always find you. He wanted to break free from that. And he did. He met my mother, who doesn't know  about any of this by the way, and she is human. Plain human. He told me that sometimes an ex vamp is what you might call it and a human hook up. Most of the time they just make a baby. But in my case they made me. I'm to be a vampire. If I choose to be."

I sat there for what seemed like an eternity listening to him. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could any of this be? How.......How did I not know? I should've picked up on it or something. I mean after all, I am a vampire.

 All of these questions I was thinking and yet one kept plaguing me. One kept haunting me the moment he had said "we come from what you might call a very prestigious family."

 So I had no choice but to ask him, seeing as how I now knew that Greenwich was not his real last name if he's from a "very prestigious family" from England.

"Alex?" I asked scared to my core.

"Yea?" He answered, so nervous I actually felt bad.

"What is your family's real last name? The ones in England I mean."

He looked relieved. "Oh. I thought you were going to ask me to get lost or something. Had me scared for a second there?" He begun to stand up and reach for my hand.

"As for my family in England well.... I'm not really supposed to say but I guess it doesn't matter. My family is known as the Palenstines. They go back for centuries."

Then it hit me like a wave of cold water. I noticed he had my hand in his. I used it for leverage. I pulled him down as hard as I could. He wasn't expecting it so it worked out to my advantage. I bit into his neck. Biting and shredding my way through his tough skin. I knew it wouldn't be enough to kill him but it was enough for me to get away. I ran back home as fast as I could, only to look behind me just once to see the boy I surely I loved, lying there in a pool of blood A pool of blood that I immediately regretted.

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