Chapter 2

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Ok so im not very good at editing. Probably at writing either. Anyways.....heres chap 2


Chapter 2


Normally, I wouldn't have been so girly with Alex but I couldn't help it. I was crazy about him. We had a few classes together so whenever I could, I would always make it a point to talk to him. So over the next month and a half we got to know each other.

 I was never really in to guys all that much before. I mean, I was always attracted but I just never connected with anyone. Not in the way I do with Alex, anyways. We have so much in common. We love the same movies. He loves making fun of Jessica, just like I do. We loved our parents and yet we knew that they just didn't understand us the way we really wanted them to. It was great.

Over the next month or so we really bonded. I secretly hoped that it would turn in to something else though. How could I not? We started doing everything together. We even ate lunch together. That was his idea.

 I was sitting at this tree one day, just reading to my self and he came up and said "Hey girly. Why don't you put that book away and come sit with me. Yea?"

 I was thrilled. I wanted to play it cool though so I just said "Sure." Then it all just went uphill from there. Also, there was a dance coming up. One that I was particularly excited about.

  It had officially been six weeks since I started Jonas Hill and you could only guess what has happened. Since there was this back to school dance, about five boys asked me to go. Of course the only boy who mattered was Alex, and he hadn't even asked me yet.  The dance was next week! Why hadn't he asked me yet?

 I mean, we have become close in the last month. Anyways, I just decided to be pissed off at him instead and actually show that emotion to him so he would know I was mad. I mean, it's not like I wanted to be a bitch or anything. I just wanted him to see that there was something bothering me. Whoever would of thought showing emotions were so hard though? I kept trying either way.

"Hey Lily." Alex said as he started walking with me to health class.

 We were teamed up two classes ago on a topic that made me uncomfortable to even think about around him let alone do our subject on. It was sex. We had to talk about the risks and common mistakes teenagers make when deciding to have sex too young.  Up until now we had worked in the library but today he had asked if we could study at my house since the assignment was due tomorrow.

"Hi Alex." I felt bad saying it in such a dull voice but I couldn't help it. Alex hadn't asked me to the dance and I wanted him to see that something was bothering me. He didn't seem to notice though because he just went on smiling and asked me if I was ready to go study at my house.

"Yea sure. Just let me get a book out of my locker and I'm ready to go." I said as we headed out of health class.

 Class seemed to go by so fast when I was mad. Maybe I should be mad more often because I didn't like school very much. The only reason I even forced myself out the door every morning was to see Alex. Even if I was mad at him for not asking me to the dance. It didn't matter because I had to see him everyday.

I grabbed the book out of my locker and we headed outside. It had been raining all day so I was glad to see it let up because we had to walk to my house. I didn't live far, so we just walked slowly in the mist.

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