Chapter 1

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Okay so I haven't really written anything before. My cousin inspired me!!! Hope you likes!


Chapter one                                                                      


Ok so here I am sitting by this damn creek. For some reason I just can't seem to clear my mind lately. I came to this spot to think things through, stare up at the stars and walk around aimlessly. I don't know why really.

 I mean there's nothing really special about it. It's not even that pretty looking, kind of dreary looking if you ask me, anyways I just can't seem to be myself lately. Well ever since the incident. Oh yes, the incident.

It all started when my so-called parents wanted to do what they thought was right for me. They decided to enroll me in school. Yes, in any other ordinary circumstances I guess you can say they were just trying to be good parents. Not as far as I was concerned. I told them I couldn't handle it. In the end it didn't matter.

There I was sixteen years old, starting my sophomore year of high school at Jonas Hill Academy for Young Adults. I thought it sounded way too preppy and uptight but my parents told me it was supposed to be a really great school.

 "Oh Lily, please just give it a try." My mom said as I was about to get out of the car. "Fine, mom." Was all I could manage as I grabbed my backpack and slammed the door in her face. I have to admit, I was pretty dramatic when I wanted to be.

There in front of me was this gigantic school with what looked like hundreds of kids everywhere in sight. I was so intimidated but no one would ever be able to tell. My dad had always told me no one would ever be able to tell my true emotions on my face.

 He said "Lily, you're just not like ordinary girls." It didn't bother me much. I actually liked it. It was like I had my own little secret when people wanted to know the truth about something.

As I walked into the office I noticed this couple sitting on a bench and they were totally making out. Enough to throw up if you ask me.

 I had never had a boyfriend before but if I did I sure as hell wouldn't be dissecting his mouth with mine right there in front of everyone to see. Even the teachers walking by didn't say anything. They just walked by as if nothing was going on.

I continued to walk but I guess I got caught staring because the girl gave me a dirty look and loudly said, "Why don't you take a picture. It'll last longer ya know." Me being me couldn't help myself.

 I simply said," Oh, I would but I don't feel like throwing up all over myself by looking at it." I think that did it because there she was in my face. I wasn't scared of her at all. Actually it was rather funny. If she even knew what I could do to her she'd be running like hell. In the end a teacher had seen us about to get in a fight and decided to break it up.

"Ah. Miss Jessica Gonzales, we wouldn't be causing any trouble with our new student now would we?" The tall man said.

"No. She started it. She was staring at my boyfriend." She said as she looked at me.

The teacher began, "Anyone is free to look wherever they want Miss. Gonzales. I think you should keep your public displays of affection for off campus."

"But," she began to say. "Not another word. Just go to class." He sure shut her up.

She walked off with her boyfriend who looked like he wanted to bust out laughing.

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