Creatures (cont.)

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Marowin's are hawk-like creatures who are very territorial and tend to be hostile and are very loyal to their owners. They are usually dark brown and have a black marking that goes through their eyes. Their talons are as big as an adult hand which helps them grab onto the trolls wrists perfectly. They have long and beautiful bronze tail feathers.

The marowins were originally from Bellezza but the Bellezzian people couldn't control their hostile manners so they were given to the Balkahns to train. In the end, the marowins became loyal to the Balkahns and decided to stay with them. as they are from Bellezza, they have special properties. Their tail feathers shimmer when gems are close and henceforth in return, the Balkahns give the gems they collect using the Marowins to the bellezzian people.


Magnus is a giant who is almost as tall as the 400ft pine trees of Balkahn. He has pale skin and one big black eye on the center of his face. He keeps his hair and beard shaved (to this day people are confused how he does it). He wears a ripped up brown tunic with a vine to tie it off around his waist. Magnus roams the far ends of the pine forest, he doesn't engage with the Balkans much, unlike before.

In the earlier ages, Magnus' ancestors were at war with the Balkahns for years. The giants claimed that they ruled the land and that the Balkahns had invaded. For years after the Balkahns were at war, Balkahns would kill giants for sport. They made it into a competition. Whoever killed the most giants or killed the strongest ones would be praised upon and rewarded.

After years of these treacherous games all giants were pushed to the edges of the Balkan lands and only two giants remained: Magnus and his mother. Magnus was very young and could hardly remember a thing. Giants take longer to age so at the time he looked a few months old but in reality was about thirty.

The Balkans yet again had set off for their 'legendary' hunt. They didn't realize that this would be there last.

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