I loved her so, so goddam much. I wished I could become her legal guardian too, but Kaykay would never let me until her treatment was finished, I was pretty sure about that .

But I was beginning to think I wasn't her best shot at survival.

Though I couldn't believe Calum had just taken her into surgery without letting us know, it was clearly the right decision, and I had put it aside without a thought.

I was a horrible doctor.

Interrupting the silence, my page went off, so I got back in the call and tried to call Kaykay again. It was a 911 page, so every red light added to my frustration of the morning, and she wasn't answering my phone.

Now I was getting worried.

As I got to the hospital, I tried calling Kaykay one last time, hearing her phone go off someone in the room. I stood in the middle of trauma and anxiously looked around for her.

"Ash, come here," Crystal said, "She's in there,"

"Oh, she has a patient?"

"Er, no. She is the patient,"


"She got into a crash,"

"What?" I said, feeling my heart begin to beat rapidly, "Is she okay?"

"I am going to take her into surgery, she has some burns, plastics are gonna come and help me. And I um... we believe she has had a miscarriage,"

"What? But she isn't pregnant,"

"She has heavy bleeding and keeps complaining of cramps, we got an ultrasound done and while she is under we are gonna help it pass. She has decided that herself, she is fully aware of what it means,"

"Is she?"

"She has begged and begged for us to make it stop, and for us to do the surgery. If the labs come back and it is not a miscarriage then we will move from there, but they are positive it is. I am so sorry Ash,"

"Other than the burns, will she be okay?"

"Yeah, she will. I don't know if you want to go and explain to Isabelle,"

"She's been in surgery too, I can't. Can I go and see Kay?"

"Be gentle,"

I followed Crystal into the room and stood by Kaykay's head, brushing her hair out of her face. Her eyes were barely open, but she looked at me and let out a gasp as if trying to speak.

"Crystal is gonna take care of you, okay? I will take time off so I can look after Izz, and you. Don't worry,"


"I will see you as soon as I am told I can, I love you, you will be okay,"


"I am not gonna watch the surgery," I whispered, "But I will see you after,"

"Okay, I am sorry,"

"Don't be sorry,"

"Our baby,"

"It's okay... it's okay. We can talk after the surgery,"

They took her off and I sunk to a crouch, covering my face. Once the room was empty, I began to cry. Both my girls.

Kaykay must've been stuck in her car for ages. She had been burnt badly, and I knew she would feel destroyed.

The door opened and shut, but I didn't bother to look up. My heart had just shattered into a million pieces.

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