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Lena sat back in her office chair and sighed, last nights events were amazing, and though it was supposed to leave her satisfied, it only left her wanting more of her wife.

They had to go their separate ways once again when the night was over, Kara had an early business meeting and Lena had work that she had yet to finish, she had been sitting there for hours and no matter what she did she couldn't get the woman out of her mind.

She could try calling her but she didn't want to disturb her, she knew the blonde was busy, busier than her on most days, but she couldn't deny the fact that ever since they'd been away from each other she'd grown more and more attached, when they first talked about being away from each other so long, they discussed ways to make Kara feel better, not her, because she was one hundred percent sure she didn't need it, she had always been able to handle herself, to be a lone wolf, but now, it's like she couldn't go five minutes without wondering what Kara was doing, who she was with, whether or not she was thinking about her too.

God Lena, pull yourself together, you sound crazy.

She shook her head and got up from her desk, the blinds were down and she had no intention of putting them back up, it gave her the privacy of drinking a bottle of scotch without judgement, she could drown her feelings, push them into little boxes and continue on with her day without feeling sorry for herself.

Taking a swig from the bottle and sitting back down in her chair, Lena was finally able to focus on something other than her wife, alcohol seemed to help her focus on work, it was the solution to all her problems before, why stop now?

The bottle was gone by the end of the hour, but Lena showed no effect, what she did show, was efficiency, getting a project done in a hour that would've taken weeks if anyone else were to do it, she sat back feeling proud of herself, but pride was soon washed over with sadness, she hated it but there was nothing she could do but work through it, get rid of it, she didn't need sadness.

She pushed her feelings down and clenched her jaw, hard, with a push of a button her blinds were up, everyone could see her now and she could see everyone, and with that knowledge she seemed to no longer care about anything else but work, her feelings didn't matter now, nothing mattered now, the only thing that mattered to her was her job, there was work to be done, leaving room for nothing else, not even the thought of her wife.
Kara was having an exceptional day, yesterday effected her in ways she didn't even know could happen to her, she not only felt extremely happy, but there was a new energy inside of her, it showed around the office too, when she was happy, everyone was happy, she was just the sunshine on a cloudy day, all the gloom had disappeared, deadlines had been made early, products were flying out of the building so fast it was almost as if they were just giving them away, she looked around the room with a proud smile on her face, she loved this, the positivity, the chatter, it all was amazing, this was the first time in a long one where she actually had room for a break, and not just a five minute one either, in fact, everyone had room for a break, she was going to email everyone and tell them to go have lunch and meet back in an hour or so, but first she needed to handle some business of her own.
"Hey Kara, what's up?"

"Hey Jess, is Lena around?"

"She's right in her office"

"Thanks Jess, I'll see you later"

Kara walked to the large office and peered inside, Lena seemed to be deeply indulged in her work, she actually hesitated to go into the room, but nevertheless she decided to push the glass door in, and step right in front of the desk.

Lena looked about ready to yell at whoever walked into her office without knocking but when she saw it was Kara, her face softened.

"Kara, Hi"

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