Chapter I:The Vongola Decimo and the Snapes

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There was something oddly warm,comforting, and welcoming within him--something that rejoiced after being freed from...whatever concoction his mother had brewed.

His mother had admitted last night that she had been feeding him some sort of "liquid glamor" ever since he was old enough to be aware and somehow,alert of his surroundings--which was at the tender age of two.

She had explain things vaguely when he had came home on Yule seasons,but had only started telling it bit by bit and more clearly after last night...which was when she promised that she'd tell the whole truth on his birthday.

And obviously,that was today.

Severus slowly turned to his mother,half-expecting her to change her mind and just let him go about his day.

There was a silence as Eileen Snape worried her lip as she bit it slightly,fidgeting on the hallway of their dreary home.

"Mother?" He called out in a controlled tone,slightly confused at the lengthy silence.

She sighed,as if there was a burdensome secret that she was hiding...which Severus suspected that there must be one.

" you remember what I told you last night?"

The third year Slytherin furrowed his brows in further confusion at her words.

"Of course,Mother."

It was only last night's discussion--how could he simply forget something like that?

If it was years that had passed,he might have,but the time that had passed was not that long so he clearly remembered:they had discussed that the reason why his mother fed him those liquid glamors was because she was afraid of someone--who was apparently,still searching for her.


Almost immediately,Severus' eyes sharply assessed her whole being.

"Did he hurt you?"

While he might not be able to do anything to fight back against his father or use magic to defend himself and his mother from his violent tendecies(a.k.a.,abusing them and beating them until they're black and blue),but the two of them made a promise that should it become too much,they would call the muggle authorities or the aurors.

His mother was just too stubborn(for some reasons unknown to him)to leave Tobias Snape,that was why they couldn't get rid of him.

His mother started,shaking her head in the denial.

"No,it's not that....what I'm about to tell you...I don't know how you would react to the truth that I am to tell you.But since the day that you had that Reborn-sensei as your temporary potions professor,I knew I had to tell you the truth or risk you drifting away from me."

Severus perked up at that.

While there were times that he did curse the certain man to hell above and beyond,he knew that because of Reborn,he throughly came to memorize all the description of potions ingredients:not to mention,their understanding and study in potions were so advanced,he knew without a doubt that acing the OWLS and NEWTS in the future will be easy.

He would not be surprised if he got an Exceeds Expectation marks on it,with how hard the spartan professor had drilled it into them within a span of two months.

No wonder Headmaster Dumbledore,the Hogwarts staff--and anyone he met who knew Professor Reborn--held the man in high regards as well as feared the said man for his...not so pleasant ways of teachings.

Even hearing that he was famous in the muggle world did nothing to surprise him:the man was cocky(not really in a bad way,but more of because he was confident in his achievements,which held truth)for he sure held many results.

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