~The F*ck Up~

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Tatie's POV:

After Michael left I literally cried for a hour straight, i was so stressed out and over it. I got up from my couch and looked in every cabinet i own in my house for some liquor. I wasn't even a big drinker but i needed a distraction for the real world. I remember i was supposed to go to Aliyah and Nova's Airbnb later tonight but i couldn't wait that long i needed to get Michael off my mind. Yes i know Michael and Nova were all buddy buddy at the first lil party but she assured me him and her were just friends. I decided to just go to their Airbnb early, so i got ready then went over there.

End of Tatie's Pov


After Tatie arrived at Nova and Aliya's Airbnb she suggested that they all take a shot of Hpnotiq something kinda light to start the night off. About 20 minutes later the girls heard a knock on the door so Nova went to go open it.

Nova's POV:

Me and the girls were in the bathroom taking mirror pictures when we heard someone knock on the door. Me and Aliyah look at each other with a worried expression because we knew it had to be Jaiden or Michael. "Oh its probably the door dash i ordered" i said so Tatie won't become suspicious. When i opened the door and saw Michael there my heart dropped. This whole kick back thing went completely left, and this was not the plan at all. But in the mix of literally panicking i stopped and actually took a moment to look at Michael, he looked lost and hurt. Even though ive only known Michael for like a week now i knew it wasn't like him to be quiet. After realizing i was standing there just staring at him for like 2 minutes i finally built up the courage to speak to him.

Me: Oh hey sorry my bad i completely zoned out

Michael: *laughs* Yea you good

End of Nova's POV

Aliyah's POV:

I knew either Jaiden or Michael knocked on the door because those were the only people we were waiting on. But I knew I had to keep Tatie occupied because I didn't need her to mess up the plan me and Nova have. The plan was me and Nova were going to be all boo'ed up with Jaiden and Michael, and Tatie was supposed to walk in get mad and leave, it's like we were gonna "scare" her away.

I turned on my speakers and played Pockets Bigger by Flo Milli since me and Tatie both liked the rapper Flo Mili. I turned the music all the way up so Tatie couldn't hear Nova talking to Michael. Tatie was also very tipsy but not drunk yet. I only had 2 shots but Tatie was drinking a cup of Pink Whitney, I get drunk off of 3 shots of that so I know she's gonna be drunk REAL soon.

End of Aliyah's POV
Nova asked Michael if they could go talk in his car, Nova had surprisingly never been in Michael's car before. "Yoo this all you Mike?" Nova said with a surprised look on her face as she look at Michael's BMW. A BMW has been Nova's dream car ever since her dad let her drive his, before he left and disappeared. "Yeah wanna go for a ride?" Michael said with a smirk on his face while looking at Nova. "Yea just lemme go tell Aliyah I'm leaving real quick Nova said with a smile on her face as she walked back up the stairs that led to the Airbnb.

Tatie was now blacked out drunk laying on Aliyah's bed, while Aliyah sat in the living room on her phone waiting for Nova to come back. Nova walked in and looked around with a confused expression on her face. "Where is Tatie?" Nova said while raising her eyebrow. "She's in my room passed out because her crazy ass thought it would be a good idea to drink a CUP of Pink Whitney" Aliyah said while getting up from the couch and walking towards Nova. "I swear there is something mentally wrong with her I don't get what Michael sees in her" Nova said while laughing. "But um I'm about to g-" and before Nova could finish her sentence she heard the  sound of two men arguing out side. Aliyah and Nova both stopped what they were doing and looked at each other in shock because they both knew it was Michael and Jaiden arguing....
I know I said this would be the last part of the season but this was getting long and I know y'all been waiting on this. I will try to make the next part the finale!

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