~Past Relations~

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Tatie's POV:

I saw Michael walk in a room with Nova, I was about to follow them but I just shook it off and I ignored it. I knew he loved me and wouldn't do anything stupid so I trusted him and hoped that he wouldn't do anything with her. It was too much on my mind at that moment, I needed a drink. I went to the kitchen to pour me a shot, as I was pouring the shot my friend Miya walked over.

Miya: Why you over here drinking by yourself pooh

Tatie: To be honest I don't even know, matter a fact take a shot with me

Miya: Bet

They both took 3 shots of 1952

Tatie's POV:

I wasn't really a drinker like that because I was a lightweight, but I had so much on my mind I just needed something to wake me up. About 10 minutes after taking the shots Miya came up to me and said "I can feel my liquor kicking in and I drove here so ima goin head and leave" I said ok, walked her to the door and gave her a hug, then she left. By me being a lightweight it didn't take long for the liquor to kick in. The last thing I remember is walking to the couch...

End of Tatie's POV
As Tatie was walking to the couch she slipped and hit her head on the table, started freaking out then passed out. Everybody came to check on her, she starting crying and saying "I wanna go home". Eventually Michael came and he picked her up and took her home. After he left everybody else did.

Jaiden: Thanks for all this

Aliyah & Nova: Your welcome!

Nova: Just happy to see new people *laughs*

Aliyah: For real I actually had fun

Jaiden: Yeah, but ima hit y'all up tomorrow

Nova & Aliyah: Aight byee!

Aliyah: Soo what did you and Michael do in your room??

Nova: *laughs* Chill it won't nothing like that we just smoked a blunt and talked that's it

Aliyah: Oh ok did you ask him about that Tatie girl

Nova: Nope didn't have enough time to

Aliyah: I think they're together...I mean did you see how she hugged him and how he picked her up and stuff

Nova: He had to pick her up her she was unconscious

Aliyah: Your missing the point here, I think they're dating if they not dating then he definitely smashing on the regular

Nova: Look, i don't care what they are i just need her out of the picture so i can shoot my shot, i can already tell he likes me we just gotta handle his past relations with her and any other girl that's blocking my shot

Aliyah: Well how you wanna get rid of her...

Michael's POV:

I knew I messed up. Why would I even walk into that party knowing Tatie would be there, now look at her. Tatie thinks we date but I'm single. I don't claim nobody and nobody should claim me, but that doesn't change the fact that Tatie is in my backseat unconscious. I don't know why she did this shit to herself knowing she can't handle her liquor.

I remember where she lived since I'm over there time to time, she lives by herself so she tends to be lonely. I backed into her driveway so it can be easier for me to carry her in. She was heavy so that made me move even faster to get her inside. I laid her down in her bed carefully. The cut on her head stopped bleeding but still had blood on it so I looked around and found some rubbing alcohol and a bandaid. I took my jacket off and laid it on her couch, then walked back in her room and sat on her bed softly trying not to wake her up.

I poured some on the rubbing alcohol on a washrag and started wiping the dry blood off her head, face, neck and hands. As I was wiping the blood off she started to wake up. So I hurried up and but the bandaid on her, then kissed her forehead.

Tatie: M-Michael?

Me: Yes it's me, you fell and hit your head at the party so I carried you home and helped you out

Tatie: Oh thanks *groans* shit, my whole body hurts

Me: Try not to move so much you need your rest, you fell pretty hard, but you'll be fine

Tatie: Oh trust me I don't plan on moving for a while the way this hurts

Me: Sorry, is there anything I could do for you?

Tatie: Can you get me some water and those chips I left on the table please

Michael: Of course!

I walked out of the room and saw that Tatie's phone was on the floor, it must have fell out while I was carrying her. After I picked it up I was about to go back in the room to give it to her, but a text message from Jaiden was on her notification screen when I turned it on.

The text message said "Sorry I couldn't take you home tonight Michael beat me to it but I can still come over again if you want". I couldn't believe what I just read...my bestfriend was talking to a girl that I told him was off limits. And Tatie knew he was my bestfriend, I was going to go confront her about it but remembered she was in a lot of pain. Since Tatie trusted me I knew her password, so I unlocked her phone, texted Jaiden and said "It's ok I'll be fine by myself tonight".

Tatie: Hey mich what's taking you so long?!

I locked Tatie's phone went to go get her a water and the chips she asked for then went back to her room...
Sorry this part is so long, I'm gonna try to make the parts shorter😂!

But what will Michael do about the Tatie and Jaiden situation?
How will Nova get Tatie out the picture?

Stay tuned to find out!
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