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It is now Friday. Nova and Aliyah have to leave tomorrow. It's driving Nova absolutely crazy that she stopped Michael from kissing her because she was too scared to tell him she was a virgin, but she also felt comfortable and safe around him. She really liked him and wanted to be with him but she knew she could never do that with Tatie in the way. Nova always got her way being that she was a only child and she was spoiled, so if something didn't go her way she made it go her way.

"So here's the deal. We throw a goodbye kick back for us and invite Jaiden, Tatie, and Michael no extra people" Nova said while opening a soda and leaning on the counter. "Ok but won't it be off numbered with 3 girls and 2 guys?" Aliyah said with a confused expression on her face. "Not really because we act like we all buddy buddy with Tatie and we all act as if we're friends. Don't talk to Jaiden more than you talk to Tatie, and don't talk to Tatie more than you talk to me. We can't seem like we're plotting anything. Oh and everybody must stay in the same room got it?" Tatie said with a serious face. "Ight I got you. We got this everything will go smoothly this time." Aliyah said while nodding her head.
Michael's POV:

I was about to knock on Tatie's door when my phone buzzed it was a text from Nova saying "I'm having a lil kick back at 8 since I leave tomorrow, you trynna slide?" And without hesitation I replied and told her I'm coming. After I texted Nova back I put my phone in my coat pocket. I had on a hoodie and a coat because it was mad cold in NY. I knocked on Tatie's door and waited for her to open it. When she opened it her face changed, she went from laughing at something on tv before coming to open the door to now looking at me with a stale face.

End of Michael's POV


Tatie's POV:

I was laughing at something Nova had sent to me before i went to go open the door for Michael. Nova had invited me to this girls night thing at 9 since her and Aliyah were leaving tomorrow, she said it would just be me and her and Aliyah there and we would just chill and smoke.

When I opened the door and saw Michael standing there i froze up and didn't know if i wanted to be mad at him or happy to see him...

Michael: Look i know you probably don't want to see me but i brought you your favorite thing...DUNKIN!

When me, Jaiden and Michael were in high school we would skip 4th period and go get a box of donuts from dunkin donuts and eat them in the parking lot.

Tatie: I'm not mad at you I'm just confused but come in.

End of Tatie's POV
After Michael walked in he put the doughnuts down on Tatie's kitchen island, then sat down in one of the chairs at the island. "Ok I know I said was harsh bu-" before Michael could finish his sentence Tatie cut him off by saying "Harsh? No you made me feel like a complete asshole when YOU were the one going through my phone and when YOU were the one who left ME to go fuck some bitch and YOU have the balls to make me feel like a asshole for talking to someone who actually gives a FUCK about me?! Nah that shit wasn't just harsh that shit was straight up humiliating, depressing and just fucking mean Michael." Tatie said with tears filling her eyes while staring Michael dead in the eye.

Michael was at lost for words because he knew she was right about everything except one thing. "Why do you think i left you to go have sex with somebody else?" Michael said with a confused expression on his face. "How stupid do you think i am Michael, you get a call and its just a coincidence that you have to leave right after?...And don't you dare say it was for work because we both know damn well you had absolutely nothing important to do at 9pm" Tatie said with a more angry than sad look on her face. "No, my mom needed me to help her throw some boxes away and she waited to call me at night because i had to throw the boxes away in a apartment trash can because they are the only trash can that can fit the boxes and after i did that i went home and went to sleep. I didn't have sex with anyone that night." Michael said while standing up from his chair and walking over to Tatie.

Michael lied because he knew it would just make a bigger problem and start another argument so he just made up a lie, but he was telling the truth him and Nova never had sex. "I did some bitch nigga shit i know that and i own up to that and I regret everything i did to hurt you, I also understand if you hate me and never want to see me again. And if you want me to leave ill leave" Michael said while staring Tatie dead in her eyes.


Tatie's POV:

So many thoughts were running through my head at this moment. I was remembering what Miya had said to me "You have to stop crawling back to him" but my emotions were saying something different and what came out my mouth was something completely different...

"Do you even still love me?" I said while tears rushed down my face.

Before Michael answered my question he looked up and took in a deep breath, and by his body language i could already tell he was about to lie.

Michael: Yes, of course i do and i never stopped.

I said "Get out" with the blankest face ive ever made.

End of Tatie's POV


Jaiden's POV:

I was working out when I got a text from Aliyah saying "You wanna come by my Airbnb and chill since its my last day here?". I texted her back and told her ill come, she told me i can stop by around 8. And to be honest i couldn't stop thinking about ever since that night in the car. Its like her energy just was so contagious, every time i was with her i was happy and it hurts me that she has to go.

I was also a little worried because i haven't heard from Michael or Tatie in like 2 days which is weird because they are like my best friends and we usually talk everyday.

End of Jaiden's POV


{5 Hours Later, The time is now 8pm}

Nova and Aliyah invited everybody at different times so they wouldn't see each other outside. They told Jaiden and Michael to come at the same time but Jaiden lived 10 minutes closer to the Airbnb than Michael did, so Nova and Aliyah just hoped and prayed they didn't arrive at the same time but also didn't see a problem with them both arriving at the same time since they were bestfriends.

About 5 minutes later Aliyah and Nova heard a knock at the door, then Nova went to go open the door but quickly went into panic mode once she saw who was at the door....
Stay tuned next part coming soon!!

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