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"Heyy nice to meet y'all" Nova and Aliyah said while greeting Jaiden and Michael at the door.

Jaiden: I just sent some people the location they should pull up in a lil bit but here's the liquor and stuff

Aliyah: Ok and thanks for bringing it you can just put it on the table over there

Aliyah and Jaiden stayed and talked in the kitchen while Nova and Michael went to sit down on the couch

Nova: I didn't know you would be here

Michael: Yeah I had to come wit my boy and once I heard you were gonna be here I couldn't wait to come

Nova: You actually know who I am

Michael: Yeah I followed you for a reason cuz ion really follow people like that but you stood out to me for some reason ion know...

Nova: How did you even find my page *laughs*

Michael: From my explore page

Nova: Oh ok but when you said I "stood out" what do you mean by that

But before Michael could answer the question someone knocked on the door and a group of two girls and three boys walked in. Me and Michael went up to great them, this one girl gave Michael a hug, not just a regular hug they hugged for a whole minute.

Nova's POV:

When I saw this girl hug Michael I got jealous for some reason, and I never get jealous. But I had to find out who this girl was and why are they so close...

Nova: Hi nice to meet you I'm Nova.

Tatie: It's nice to meet you too I'm Tatie
Tatie's POV:

I was confused to see Michael chilling with another girl before I walked in, but I didn't want to cause a scene so I didn't say anything. I couldn't wait to hug Michael again it had been a full 8 hours since I last seen him, yes I know 8 hours isn't a long time but I really like and love him. Me and him had been talking to each other for about 3 months now. I'm just waiting for him to formally ask me to be his girlfriend.

End of  Tatie's POV


Nova: Let's toast to new beginnings for this year

Then they all took a shot, Nova spit hers out because she hates liquor

Nova: Chilee ion even know why I even tried to drink that

Aliyah: Me either I just wanted to see your reaction and it didn't fail *laughs*

Nova: Can we go in my room to talk right quick Aliyah?

Aliyah: Sure...

Aliyah: So what you wanna talk about

Nova: The girl out there with the honey blonde hair, she been all up on Michael I wonder who she is

Aliyah: I peeped that too...so what you wanna do about it, I mean I can kick her out if you want

Nova: Nahh don't do that I can't trip too hard he ain't even mine, but I do wanna get to know her. I already have her name I just need to become her friend

Aliyah: That's so smart I can try to help you

Nova: How?

Aliyah: We can play truth or drink

Nova: No girl, you know I don't drink

Aliyah: Just chase it down with some juice or something trust me if you wanna get to know her, the best way to do it is while she's drunk

Nova: Ok we can do that just wait a while so it won't look like we plotting, ight?

Aliyah: I got you

Nova and Aliyah walked out the bathroom and Nova went to the couch and Aliyah went to the kitchen where Jaiden was. Nova remembered that she had a little left over blunt in her room, she walked towards her room but was stopped by Michael...

Michael: Where you going?

Nova: *laughs* In my room...why?

Michael: Because I thought you was finna leave or go to sleep or something

Nova: Nah I just gotta get my leftover blunt

Michael: You smoke?

Nova: Yeah *laughs*

Michael: Lemme smoke it wit you

Nova: Ok but I'm finna smoke it in my room

Michael: Ok, you lead the way

Nova: Ight

After Michael had walked in, Nova winked at Aliyah as she closed the door. Once Nova found the blunt she sparked it. And they started smoking.

Michael: Ouu this that good stuff

Nova: I knoww

Michael: Y'all Virginia people be lit down there huh

Nova: Hell no. It's boring as fuck down there, the only thing down there is Virginia Beach *laughs*

Michael: Oh damn, I actually have a movie I gotta be in. They shooting it in Virginia so I'll be the judge of how boring it is soon

Nova: Trust me the only fun thing you will do there is shoot the movie *laughs*

Michael: Yeah ight *laughs*

Nova: Why do you still go to parties and hang with regular people and stuff?

Michael: Because I'm still a regular person, the only difference is I'm a regular person wit money. And plus the people I really be around got they own money, they never ask me for anything but if they need it I'm there

Nova: That's so dope wonder what it feels like to have a friend like you

Michael: We can be friends *laughs* for now

Nova: For now wha-

Nova couldn't finish her sentence before Jaiden busted in her room.

Jaiden: Bruh Tatie she's trippin again bro

Michael: Oh shit. Nova I'm sorry lemme go handle this

Nova: It's fine go do what you gotta do playa

Jaiden: She's in the living room her and her friends are trying to calm her down

Novas POV:

This was my first time having a real conversation with Michael. I just don't know if what he said was truly heartfelt.
Sorry to leave y'all on another cliffhanger but this was getting too long😂.
What y'all think wrong with Tatie?
What do y'all think Michael meant when he said for now?...
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