"Oh! I see now, she's your girl isn't she? Here I was just thinking she was your other half's girl," Draco chuckled. "But that doesn't matter, I'm not interested in her."

I snorted slightly, "then do we have a deal?"

"Yes, I'll go get the paperwork I suppose."

"Why do you even own this building? You're rich after all. You have plenty of money not to need a place like this."

Draco's eyes narrowed slightly and he scowled, "that's for me to know, not you."


I had the apartment to myself, which was rare with three people, and I was enjoying having the television set to myself. That was until a crack sounded from behind me, the scent of vanilla wafted over me, Freya wrapped her arms around my shoulders and sighed. I suppose I could live with a little distraction.

"Hello, sweetie," Freya whispered in my ear.

"How was the shop today?" I chuckled as Freya jumped over the couch and moved close to me.

"It's getting there," Freya yawned.

"Do you need any help?"

"The painting is done, everything is set up, tomorrow there's this place that agreed to give me instruments, albums, players and more. I just have to drive up there and give them some money for it all."

"I can take you tomorrow," I offered, pulling her onto my lap.

"Can you drive?" Freya began batting my fringe from side to side.

"I drove a flying car all the way from the burrow to Surrey and back," I laughed.


"Well, Fred actually drove the car...but I can drive just as well," I shrugged. Freya looked skeptical, pushing my hair to the side, one thing I loved about her was that she didn't shudder anytime her fingers grazed the spot where my ear once was.

"It's going to be a long trip tomorrow."

"I can handle it."

Freya chuckled, "if this takes off...I'm going to need help, you know that right?"

"Yes, and I've been thinking about that. But we'll discuss that when it happens."

"If it happens," Freya whispered.

"Hey," I lifted her chin slightly, "it's going to work. Trust me on this. This place could use your musical taste." Her skin wasn't as pale and ghastly as it had become over the past few weeks, the circles under her eyes were gone aside from the faint shadow. Her smile reached her eyes yet again, I was happy just gazing into her dazzling eyes that had that spark again-I missed that so much.

*Freya's POV*

"Why music of all things?"

I looked up at the blonde who was scowling at a vinyl record in his hands, "everyone could use music in their lives." I stated this as if it were a scientific fact.

Draco raised an eyebrow, I took a deep breath as I turned back to the box I was emptying. "So....Fred and George were telling me you were a death eater?"

Draco sucked in air and put his hands in his pockets, "not my decision actually...not that you'd believe me."

I raised an eyebrow, had he really given me information about himself? "I have no reason to doubt you," I shrugged before continuing to unpack in silence.

"You're a strange girl, Freya," Draco chuckled.

"I'm clearly not from here, I don't know anything about death eaters and the like." I straightened up and looked over at him. He was watching me with a curious look, his expression was soft before his stern mask reappeared. I rolled my eyes slightly, collapsing the now empty box and moving on to the next in silence. "I know they called you a git and a prick, but I remain to see that with my own eyes first."

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