The beginning

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Warning : Depression///Abuse///
slight violence///Suicide///Death

Rose looked at the ground that was 9 meters away from her balcony, her tears blurring her vision.

" I'll be free..." Rose said as she slowly sat on her balcony railing, she wished to be free from this life she was enduring, she felt selfish, her parents give her food, and she had friends though they aren't real, it'd be painful leaving them behind. The girl's tears stained her face, her body could feel the wind blowing against her, as if it was trying to stop her. I'll be free soon... the girl mumbled under her breath as she was silently sobbing. Free from this world, free for once... no more strings to pull me. No more people that will use me... I'll be at peace. The girl felt her throat was pinching up, silent screams she wanted to let out, but she couldn't... she wouldn't.

Rose looked at the ground,  Nothing will hold me back anymore... the girl whispered, her voice disappearing with the wind blowing at her hair. She took deep breathes in and out to calm herself down, she wanted her last moments to at least be peaceful. She accepted that this is the only way to escape fully... The Only way she could leave with no strings attached, she hoped it was the only way.

Rose closed her eyes as she lost balance and let herself fall to her death. This is the end for me... all the work that I did in this life will finally be lifted off my shoulders... The grades that I worked so hard to maintain to impress my wretched  parents aren't holding me back anymore... all those rumors my 'friends' spread about me aren't going to affect me anymore, and my sister, that RAT won't get to leech off my achievements anymore.

"I'll be free..." Rose said as she fell to the ground. She opened her eyes to look at the sky one last time, goodbye... A smile was on her face when she finally died, and a note that she left for her maid to see, saying goodbye.

Rose opened her eyes to see a room that was dark and quiet, she was on the ground against a wall in a dark room, it seemed rather large and spacious, there on a wall seemed to be a drawn eye, it was glowing, seeming to be glitching in and out of view. The eye looked demonic in a way, it looked like some type of demonic symbol drawn on the wall. The girl soon regained the power to think and started to panic. My body isn't in pain anymore... Where am I? What is that drawing on the wall? Why does it look like it's staring at me...? Rose asked as looked up from her hands and the eye. Rose was about to vomit remembering how she felt when she was dying... it was extremely painful to the point that even thinking about it made her sick to the stomach.

The girl got up, she was confused that her legs seemed to be working... she headed closer to the eye that was around 8 meters away from her. The eye seemed to be tracking her movement, the girl ignored it thinking that she was going insane after the experience. She got closer only a 1-meter away from the drawing of the eye. A shift in the temperature suddenly occurred, the place became colder than it was before as if she was being frozen into place. Rose looked up to the eye and the eye looked down at her, causing Rose to flinch a bit.

Rose stood up straight looking at the eye, the girl felt like she needed to show the eye some respect. The drawing of the eye suddenly turned an eye-straining red and started to glow. Rose suddenly felt pain in her head. Before she knew it, all her memories of her past lives over the past two thousand years had been pushed back into her head. Who are these people!? Are they... me? Rose within the next 20 minutes saw all the lives she had and most of them ended in her death in a tragic death, one of the lives seemed to be during the witch trials, she was burned to death, she felt all these deaths and all the emotions of the past lives, it was overwhelming her, seeming to break her soul. Rose snapped out of it, tears were streaming from her face, she looked up at the eye, she was going to ask why, but the drawn eye seemed amused.

"You poor cursed child, I'm surprised that you haven't shattered to millions of pieces yet, I guess you did something to one of the gods to let you keep your form."
The eye spoke, it sounded like an Echo, it sounded feminine then, masculine later on, it confused Rose as she listened to while she took sharp gasps from all the pain she felt from the last 20 minutes.

"You are trying to kill me?" Rose asked after gaining a bit of mental stability, her body felt fine, yet hurt at the same time. 

"I wished to free your soul, you're as old as a low goddess" the eye drawing answered.

" It's fun to watch your life fall apart." the eye's voice changed, it seemed like there were two different beings in the eye.

" Are you people just here to watch me suffer?" Rose asked as she got up from rolling into a ball because of all the pain.

" No child, we've only just found out about your existence." the eye said, as it changes colors. The girl got up slowly checking herself for any injuries, she was expecting to see her body burned and slightly cut up but, to her surprise, she was perfectly fine. The girl got up to look at the eye staring down at her.

" Now you have all the memories of your past life, all the knowledge you could ever ask for, and it's at your disposal." the voice said with a voice that seemed intimidating, it didn't make Rose flinch anymore, she wanted to but, something in the girl mentally told her that she has worse things to fear. The eye seemed amused. The girl wanted to say something but the voiced interrupted before she could get a word in.

"You've been here for quite a while, longer than most people. Are you ready for your new life, child?" the other voice said, the calmer and more level-headed voice. The girl nodded as she stared at the eye in front of her. She moved her white hair out of the way and straightened her back. The eye looked at the girl.

" Don't worry child, you will be keeping all these memories, no matter how many lives you have next, you will keep all your memories, from now and in the future. You can think of it as a curse or as a gift, but you can use this to your advantage." the eye said, the girl nodded indicating she understood, the eye then shifted into a door, a simple door painted white with something glowing behind it. The girl began to walk towards the door.

"I will not hesitate to do things, I will no longer try to be something that I am not. I  won't keep a façade up anymore, I'll do whatever it takes, to live a fulfilling life." the girl mentally told herself as she put her hand on the doorknob, twisting it, ready for a new life, ready for whatever fate throws at her this time, no longer does she fear Death, and if she dies, she can always learn. Though pain is still something she felt, it won't be as worse anymore.  

Eye POV as she entered the door

That girl is something else... Souls that old usually shatter under that much pressure and those many memories should have fully destroyed her. That world she entered is something she might have lived in before... I wonder if she can survive as the Villainess in that world, it makes me curious about what will happen to that girl. Villainess Laquita Adria... her soul has shattered before being reborn again to have a second chance at life... I guess I'll let this girl start when the girl fell down the stairs at her school. 

"Did we tell her that she has the fate of a Villainess... whoops."


I'm a new writer, obviously.

I am making this for during my free time, I hope if you're reading this it's fun to read.

Please say Hello in the comments or something or tell me if there are any spelling errors

If you are reading this, have a good day!

Word count. 1317

Fearless VillainessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora