part twenty-eight

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With the Winter Ball being only one day away and the last day of the semester being three days away, Hogwarts was a buzz. Nobody could stop talking about the ball or their future holiday plans- not to mention the record Hogsmead trips allowed for the fourth and fifth years to take to buy their needed clothing. First through third years were pretty moody considering they couldn't attend, but McGonogall promised them a later curfew.

The therapy sessions to say the least have been very scarce, mostly on Miss Chuckle's part. Ever since Scarlet Salisbury died, she was never very attentive at her sessions with any of her patients- especially Hermione and Draco since mot of their conflicts revolved around death, loss and grief.

Per Miss Chuckle's request, they now only met once a week for a very quick meeting with the standard formality questions: have you thought about or attempted to hurt yourself? Harm others? Do you have suicidal thoughts? It was getting on both of their nerves.

By the way, they haven't talked or even mentioned the incident from a few weeks ago and both pray to never speak of it again. Embarrassing for the both of them, in their humble opinions.

In terms of schoolwork, Hermione has a predicted all O record with only an E in divination, which didn't bother her in the slightest since she believed the subject is the equivalent to actual rubbish. As for the non academic side and the involvement in their personal case, Theo and Hermione have gotten nowhere. No new information, ministry updates, nothing. 

In short, life was going as it was. I suppose Merlin recognized this and knew throwing a large ball at Hogwarts was bound to hold some sort of drama.

"Who are you going to the ball with," Pansy poked Draco's ribs with her wand who was trying his hardest not to lash out and enjoy his novel.

Draco flipped a page, trying to focus on the lines, "Nobody," he distractedly mumbled.

The scene was rather quiet; Dean and Seamus were curled up together on the common room floor (with the help of several cushions), George sat quietly in an armchair reading over an old issue of the Quibbler, Luna was silently playing with Neville's hair as he snored away to his heart's contempt.

Then you had Ginny was sprawled out on the large sofa fast asleep right next to a quietly snoozing Hermione who laid on her side- resting her head on an awake Harry's lap. On the opposite sofa, Pansy sat energetically (at midnight) in between a dozing Blaise who was going to be out cold at any moment, and finally Draco on her other side- trying to read his new novel from the library.

Oddly enough, everyone found it more pleasant to be in each other's company at night rather than being in their own dormitories. It was more or less of a silent agreement. 

"I keep asking and you won't tell me," Pansy rolled her eyes at an unaffected Draco.

"Because, like I said, I'm not going with anyone. Don't think I'm even going to attend."

George mocked surprise but didn't look up from the issue, "Draco Malfoy is skipping out on a public event where he can indeed where his golden cuff links? What. A. Shock!"

Luna smiled at his comment along with Pansy and Harry's quick laugh. Draco simply flipped yet another page. 

Pansy peered over his shoulder, "What are you reading?" she tried to grab the book but Draco quickly snatched it just out of her reach.

"Doesn't matter."

"Well, it obviously does if you don't want to tell me!"

Draco sighed, "You are the most irritable person I've ever met. How Blaise handles you is beyond my comprehension."

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