part twenty-two

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Draco stood there confused a moment, giving Hermione a weirded-out frown before she huffed and pushed past him. The hell? He saw the glare coming from Hermione in the corner of his eye, deciding to leave as he mumbled something before shutting the door.

His hands dove deep into his pockets as he quietly spiraled down the staircase, nodding at a few students before leaving the common room. Frankly, it was too crowded for his taste, he's always liked large spaces ever since his first year. Yes, due to the unimaginable size of the Malfoy Manor, but also from the large grass field that laid beside the unusually large mansion.

As a child, his mother would let him run through the tall grass to get lost. Then, with in a few minutes, she would be hot on his tail, chasing him around until he gave up, out of breath. He smiled at the memory, wishing it lasted longer than his first year at Hogwarts. Hogwarts only had a few large places he could reside; the library, the Forbidden Forest and the Room of Requirement.

Draco wasn't too fond of the Room of Requirement, he had some horrible memories lurking behind the tall brick doors. Even attending the Halloween party was pushing him out of his comfort zone; Blaise had to practically restrain him from storming off, trying to let Draco finally have some fun.

Deciding that walking in the early November air at around eleven P.M wasn't going to be pleasant, he reluctantly turned on his heel to the library, figuring he would finish his extra credit project for care of magical creatures. The class itself made him shudder, thoughts of chickens breaking his arms wasn't great to have when you're in class.

He picked a secluded corner near the back of the library, using a simple "alohamora" to get in. Honestly, they think seventh years don't know how to unlock a bloody door  Draco mentally scoffed. He lit a small lantern and placed it on the mahogany table, attempting to sketch a Bicorn, which looked more like an upside-down mushroom with eyes.

"Sketching a Bicorn is it? Lovely creatures, they are," came an airy voice behind him, making him jump and spill ink on his hand. 

There, behind him, was Looney Lovegood wearing a light green night gown with yellow lace at the end of it. A rather peculiar outfit for nighttime, Draco thought.

"Oh, it's just you," Draco mumbled, turning back around to continue his sketch.

"Just me? Were you expecting someone else?" she asked sweetly, sitting down on the empty chair next to him, smiling at him as Draco gave her a questioning side glance before going back to his drawing.


"You-might want to consider drawing a tail, it has one you know," she offered, her gaze turning to her surroundings. "What a pleasant place to get work done, it's so peaceful and quiet."

Draco furrowed his brows, slowly sketching the tail he so happened to forget about, "Reminds me of home."

Luna cocked her head slightly to the side, staring at him with a glisten in her irises, as if she was trying to figure out his whole persona by just looking at his grey eyes.

"Me too," she concluded, continuing to stare at him.

"Your home? Can't imagine the Lovegood home being any quiet, always taking about some new magical creature that cures headaches or something, can't imagine your parents being much different," Draco stated, not looking up from the sketch.

"My mum's dead, actually, so I suppose she makes the least amount of noise at home."

Draco's hand mumbled, the tail sprouting another one. Why does everyone here have to have such a miserable life he thought to himself, frowning at the messup. Luna waved her wand at the sketch, mumbling something inaudible and the slip up in ink went away, vanishing slowly; almost as if it was in reverse.

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