part eleven

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"Hermione we have to go quickly! Professor Wheelen will be here any moment!" Dean whispered nervously at Hermione, who was levitating exploding Peruvian powder capsules in all the corners of the Muggle Studies classroom (courtesy of Weasley Wizard's Wheezes.)

"Just a few more, I promise!" Hermione giggled, placing the last of the yellow powdered capsules along the wall as she slowly walked around the room, marveling at her work. "Fourth years better be grateful, I'm getting them out of one of the hardest exams I ever took!"

"You're lying, this exam was nothing but easy for you," Dean smirked, leaning one arm against the door slyly, in which Hermione blushed and shook her head. 

"Maybe it was," Hermione muttered to Dean, grinning mischievously. 

Loud footsteps alarmed the two, Dean practically jumping from where he was leaning against the door, Professor Wheelen on his way to his classroom.

"Damn it, Hermione I said we needed to leave!" Dean whined, looking at Hermione with a concerned expression, making Hermione chuckle.

"What a drama queen! Hurry, this way!" Hermione said, grabbing his hand and leading him to the door. She situated herself so her back was against the wall, Dean confusingly imitating her stance.

When the door opened and the Professor walked a little ways father from the door, Hermione quickly grabbed Dean's hand once again and swiveled around the door, causing a ruckus.

"You two! Get back here!" Dean and Hermione could hear behind them, but they just laughed as the two ran out from the classroom, hand in hand and down the long, estretched hallway and into the stone courtyard, attempting to catch their breath.

"I've admit...that was pretty...clever!" Dean tried to get out in between heavy breaths, making Hermione let out a quick laugh.

"That was pretty clever of me, wasn't it?" Hermione agreed proudly. "But let's not be late to Transfiguration, come on!" Hermione suddenly said, checking the grandfather clock standing proudly over the courtyard. 

Dean followed an eager Hermione who was walking at quite a brisk pace, clutching her satchel bag and checking it over and over to make sure she had her supplies for class. Dean studied her as they walked down the halls. Her hair was tied into a loose bun behind her face, a few strands unintentionally fallen as they had ran down the hallways earlier. Her cheeks were  faint shade of pink from the running and she seemed to be muttering to herself quietly about a Transfiguration spell that Dean recognized from last class' lesson. 

She really looked beautiful.

Not in the sense of appearance, but everything she did seemed to calm like and happy. With only one month into school, she seemed back to her bright self. Occasionally the war or horrible memories were mentioned in conversations, but Dean politely nipped them in the bud, avoiding the pain that he knew Hermione kept. He had it to, but he seemed to be more worried about Hermione than himself currently.

Dean always seemed to feel happy around her, always in a good mood. He's even successfully gotten her hooked into his mastery of prank creations, this being the third one Hermione participated in. It was like the war had never even happened, and it made Dean feel better. They hung out constantly; sitting together at meal times, walking to class together, conversing in the common room and many other instances. Though they weren't officially dating, it definitely felt that way to Dean and those around him. But does she feel the same way? What if she sees me as a friend only? I mean, bloody hell I'll take friend or whatever it is, but does she like me back?

Thoughts swam swimmingly through Dean's mind as he sat down in his usual place next to Seamus, Hermione sitting next to Ginny a few rows ahead of him.

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