part twenty-five

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Hermione's entire body felt weightless, as if every word, breath, scream or audible sound from her was lifted out of her body. She sat there, in shock from her own words and her truthfulness- she had practically forgotten about Marianne's presence in all of it.

She didn't have time to register anything, Malfoy's reaction or anything. Instead, she got up slowly.

"I'm leaving now," she quietly announced, wiping away her tears as she quickened her pace out through the door, her mind-blank. She had released all of her thoughts, and for once in her life, she didn't feel that looming feeling, tugging on the back of her head. Like she didn't deserve to be thinking about anything other than her bad memories.

She didn't regret a word she said, and was glad her courage overcame her fear. Malfoy needed to hear it, and she hoped to Merlin he would finally leave her alone.

Sitting in the common room next to her friends finally felt normal, like she was supposed to be there. Nothing else on her mind.

"Want a late night lake trip?" Theo whispered, looking at her with a raised brow.

Hermione smiled and slightly nodded, "Definitely. Let's go now."

Theo jerked his head back just slightly, shocked with her sense of assertiveness. "I'll be back later," Hermione told Ginny, who have her a smile in return.

"In need of a swim slash screaming session?" Theo exclaimed as the two made their way to the old familiar lake spot.

Hermione felt herself exhale, "No, I did a ton of that today."

"Take it therapy isn't going too well?"

"Actually, I got to tell Malfoy every single thing I've wanted to say for a while. I did what you said, I released...everything," Hermione recalled thoughtfully.

"I'm proud of you 'Mione," Theo smiled warmly at her, making her chuckle lightly.

She put her hands in her pockets, "I feel like I got some closure with-everything. It's not bottled up anymore, and it feels...freeing somewhat."

"That's great to hear. How did...Draco-"

"I didn't see, nor do I really care," Hermione insisted, furrowing her brows slightly.

They approached the hillside, and it was indeed cold; Hermione wrapped her arms around her knees as they sat down. Theo sat eagerly next to her, fidgeting with his hands, placed in his lap.

"Erm, so...the prefects decided on a Christmas ball during the second week of December," Theo recounted from the endless decision making meetings he has to attend.

Hermione's head whipped to him, "The second week of December? We've got exams that week!"

"It'll be Thursday night, don't worry, exams ought to be finished by then," Theo chuckled, while throwing his hands up in defense. 

"Good," Hermione decided, nodding sternly. "Who will you be taking?

Theo thought about if for a moment, "I'll probably ask Hannah Abbot, she seems pretty fun," he shrugged.

"She's very intelligent too, nearly beat me out in the Herbology exam," Hermione recalled.

"Yeah, she'd be great. How about you?"

Hermione shook her head slightly, "I dunno if I'll want to go." Hermione looked up at him, "It's still hard."

Theo nodded, "Understandable. Though I'm sure you'll disappoint the long line of boys wanting to ask you."

Hermione whacked him on the arm, making him laugh, "Shut up, Theo. I'd probably disappoint Ginny the most anyways!"

"Well, just think about it. I think it'll help more than it'll hurt."

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