part thirty-three

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Christmas was a buzz in the Weasley household, and everyday was a spring of winter-themed activities in favor of Molly, Fleur, and Ginny. Nobody seemed to mind though, as they might have before. Everyday schedules for fun activities let everyone put their guard down, and even George seemed to be smiling and joking more often. 

Hermione pulled on a red casual dress underneath a white turtleneck as she spun around the kitchen as dozens of people passed by to plan for the Weasley's annual Christmas Eve tradition of sneaky elf, or like Hermione's dad called it- Secret Santa.

Bill and Percy whizzed by, carrying an armful of gift wrapping supplies as they kept their conversation on snow-melting charms going. Ginny was calling Molly loudly as she held a neatly wrapped stack of gifts from the living room, searching for her mother. Harry and Luna were trying to assist Arthur in setting up the record player to play light Christmas music (much to Arthur's delight.)

Theo and George were joking about something as they dished the many treats and sweets Molly and Fleur baked and created on the previous day into handcrafted red and green bowls, making Hermione smile knowing George had someone to laugh with again. Ron had finished magically pushing the sofas into a more circular fashion in order for the tradition to run like it used to.

For once, Hermione didn't seem to be helping out much.

Smiling, she approached a struggling Ron with a grin on her face. He lifted his head to look at her and replied with an un-impressed smile, "What?"

"If you're struggling, you can always do things the non magical way, you know?"

Ron laughed as he finally preformed the wand-work correctly and the sofas rearranged into a circle, "Thanks but I think I got it."

"How long does the ministry allow you to take time off for the holiday?"

"Just a week. It's not much, but it's something," Ron groaned.

Hermione tutted, "Should've come back for a final year! We get three weeks."

Molly and Ginny came pushing by, levitating a massive stack of gifts onto the low coffee table in delight and arranging them neatly as a few fell off the stack.

"Everyone to the parlor! It's time!" Molly hollered, calling in a loudly conversing group of people as Harry cheered when the record player started to work and a light jazzy Christmas song started playing quietly. "Come on! Gather round, yes, yes- oh thank you Theodore, right there will do. George stop eating the chocolate candy canes! Yes, everyone, sit!"

Hermione snuggled next to Ginny as Theo sat down next to her in excitement. She marveled at the sight of the gifts, all magically wrapped in a put-together and classy Christmas style with bows and ribbons galore. 

Arthur rubbed hi hands warmly together and sat down next to Molly joyfully as everyone sat down together and calmed their conversations.

"Merry Christmas Eve Weasleys and Company" Arthur exclaimed, "i say it's time for sneaky elf to begin, huh? Shall we do-"

Ginny squealed, "Youngest to oldest!" whilst jumping out of her seat as she snatched a large crimson paper gift tied with a white bow, and Hermione felt Theo shift next to her.

As Ginny ripped the gift open, Hermione nudged Theo's arm and nodded towards Ginny secretively, "Are you her elf?"

Theo's eyes darted around mysteriously, "I mustn't say."

Chuckling, Hermione turned back to Ginny screaming her head off in surprise, alarming everyone. 

"Dear Merlin Ginny, what happened now?" Percy worriedly demanded as Ginny shakily held up two rectangular pieces of gold parchment. 

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