The Whole Squad

45 1 3

Josh Richards

Hello!! My name is Jordan Hossler and I'm Jaden Hosslers twin sister. I grew famous with him and I went on tour with him and his friends. All the boys became my brothers then when Sway formed I became close with all them. None of their girlfriends were really jealous of me. Well actually I take that back, each girl has asked me to back off their dude. But I never did, so basically all the girls hated me but hey tried not to let the fans know. Even though when I had an interview jwas asked if I ever had an altercation with one of the girls, I said all of them then I said we became friends which was partially true. Quinton, that's a whole other story. He's my little brother cause we always died our hair together. Now I have black hair that fades to neon green, I've traveled with the boys, when Josh and Jaden moved out I was still at Sway while they were in the apartment.

Then I moved to their house, and it's just like that. I'm still close with all the boys, I'm really just friends with everyone If I'm being real. I'm called the most famous TikToker cause I literally know everyone and I'm close with everyone. I have 72 Million followers because I post with everyone, it's honestly so crazy. Besides my hair there's nothing really outgoing about me. Minus my green eyes and freckles and body shape, everyone obsesse over them. And honestly I've never gotten hate, minus like a comment here and there I've only ever gotten love. I like to stay out of drama, I seem really intimidating, I'm told I have a RBF and I scare people. But I'm actually really nice and I'm honestly everyone's little sister. I'm a kid, I constantly laugh and make jokes all the time. Everyone loves me, I love dancing and on my YouTube Channel I post a lot of dancing videos to different songs and stuff. I do sometimes model but me and Mads take pictures all the fucking time. It's awesome, really.

Recently I've been showing my singing abilities on social media. Everyone really expected it honestly, Jaden sings, I love music. Now on YouTube I have a couple of videos of me in a studio sitting on a stool singing into a microphone. Anyway, today i got up and put on short jean shorts an oversized thrasher shirt that has black and white striped sleeves, yellow and black high tops, and my shirt was partially tucked in with a black Gucci belt. I had my hair straight and I did light makeup. I had breakfast then I was II've with Josh and I was standing between his legs as we looked at the live. I said "Bro, hug me" as I turned to him and put my arms around his stomach. He put his arms around me and said "Alright guys I'm gonna go, piece out." He brought the camera by my face and said "Say bye" and I quietly said "Bye guys" and he said "Fucking adorable" and we both laughed and he ended the live. He wrapped both arms around me and rocked us aggressively and I laughed. He let me go and gripped my waist and I stretched my arms in the air. He brought me closer so our foreheads were against each other and I said "Rawr" and he laughed.

We pulled away slightly and we're looking into each other's eyes. He looked at my lips for a second and I looked at his and he pulled me closer and I gripped his arms as I bit my lip and he put our noses touching. He got closer and we kissed and we both gave into it as I grabbed his face and he pulled me closer. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck as his snaked around my waist. It turned into a make out as someone said "They finally kissed." All the boys looked and started flipping out as Josh pulled me even closer and one of my hands moved down to the back of his neck.

We parted and Blake said "So are you dating yet?" Josh said "No, I want it to be special when I ask her out." I smiled and the boys groaned and we laughed. Everyone went back to doing whatever and on my account me and Josh made a TikTok to the couple sound where you wipe your hand over and go down the girls body. So me and Josh did it and instead of him wiping his arm over my head he gripped my throat and pushed my head back against him then slid his hand down my body and he kept dancing as I smiled and bit my lip and at the end he hugged me from behind and I smiled.

I posted it tagging him and the fans were flipping over it. On his account we did "yeah we not a couple." It was us naming our then when there was a bang he gripped my rhroat and pulled me to him and I gripped my waist as I smiled and bit my lip and he said the lyrics as he got close to me. Then he pulled me closer and our lips got closer but it cut out before we kissed. He posted it tagging me then we went and were pos

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