Were Just Faking It

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Josh Richards

Hi!!!! My name is Jordan Figeroua and I am a nobody. Well some people know me, only because I'm the daughter of the owners of the most popular place in the city. "Jays Place" my dad is Jay, my mom is Jaylynn, my brother is James, my other brother is Jacob, and my sister is June. All Js, I know but that's my family.

At my school I'm very PG, good girl type of vibes you know. I have long brown hair, green eyes, the perfect body, smile, just perfect everything you know. I'm basically like the towns golden girl, but I am not into everything like you'd think I'd be. I love photography, art, drawing, singing, playing every instrument you could possibly imagine. No one knows that though, I'm just a Straight A- quiet shy girl to everyone else. My best friend is definitely my neighbor Blake. We grew up together, he's literally the only person, minus family, who really knows me. My family loves him, he is family, he's my brother. Now that you know me, get to know my town. We're a very tight nit town, rumors spread faster than you can say your name.

And at my school, it's your classic out of a movie Cliques. The nerds, the emos, the driggies, the jocks, the cheerleaders, and the nobodies. I am more of the known and unknown clique. Me and Blake are those people, that's just us.

Anyway, today I am going to school. I put on a white long sleeve showy crop top, a brown Jean skirt, white airforces, my hair in two half up ponytails. I did some light makeup then grabbed my bright green backpack and key lanyard then went downstairs. I sat at the table as my family rushed around getting their things. My brother sat down as he handed me a bowl of cereal and we all ate. Afterwards me and my siblings hopped into my car and I drove to my school. We got out and went to our separate ways. I walked into the school kind of keeping my head down. I went to my locker and opened it, I kind of looked around and saw Josh talking to his friends. He looked at me and I looked back at my locker. I grabbed my books and closed my locker. I started walking and I was passing by Josh and we looked at each other but I broke it by looking forward. I went to class and it was like usual until next period. I have Science and we had to do A project, to my luck I was partnered with a bunch of Jocks and Josh. I sat there and they all walked over and pulled up chairs around me. They were talking and I was reading over the instructions. We were given our equipment and I basically did the whole experiment by myself. As soon as the bell rang I walked straight out. Thankfully I had my next class with Blake. So as soon as I sat down I told him everything and he just took my mind off of it.

After that class we had lunch, Blake went and sat with his friends and I went out to the bleachers. I sat on the bleachers and put in my AirPods. I was listening to music as I read a book of Poems. I love poetry, I have a whole book full. And sometimes I turn them into songs, but usually never cause it sounds weird. I was hungry but I didn't have money and I forgot to grab my lunch. When I'm hungry I fiddle with my fingers, may be weird but some people notice it, like my family, I've done it since I was a baby. I guess someone noticed it because there was a tap on my shoulder.

I looked up to see Josh, I took out my AirPods and he held out a bag as he said "Your mom just dropped it off." I took it as I said "Thanks" and he said "This seat taken" I shook my head and he sat down. We both quietly ate until he said "Sorry about Science, we were going over plays." I shook my head and said "It's fine" he nodded and I said "So I heard you and Nessa broke up." He said "Yeah, she got with some other guy" I said "Oh, sorry." He shook his head and said "It's fine, you didn't do anything." I nodded and someone yelled "Ayy Josh getting some" the boy whooped and Nessa looked at us pissed. She kept walking as I looked down and I said "You can go if you want, I under if you don't want people to think we're dating." He said "What makes you say that" and I looked at him and said "The school Jock with the town nobody, not exactly good for your image." He said "The town nobody, you" I nodded as I ate a bell pepper slice and he said "You, Jordan Figeroua are not a nobody. I know for a fact that you're not because every guy I know is talking about you. You just choose to ignore them." I said "Keeping tabs on me" and he said "No, it's just hard to be in this town and not hear your name every 5 minutes." I looked down and he said "So is it true that Cyprien asked you out." I nodded and said "Yeah, he's like obsessed with me, he won't accept the fact I never liked him like that." He said "I thought y'all hooked up, dated in Middle school or something." I shook my head and said "I've never kissed anyone Josh, I've never down that, he just became so obsessed with me and just can't accept that I've moved on and I want nothing to do with him." Neither of us said anything and the bell rang so I grabbed my stuff and we went to class.

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