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Chase Hudson

Hi. My name is Jordan Damelio and I am fucked up in the head. I am diagnosed with personality disorder, Tourette's, and something else where I have voices in my head. My personalities include Jordan who's mean and genuinely doesn't give a fuck about anything. Then there's May who's very caring and actually does give a fuck. Jules who's very artsy, everything has a meaning type of thing. Ashton who's funny and laughs a lot. Max who's always drunk or high. Then Everest who's always talking about death and demons. I have long black hair that fades to neon green, no piercings cause they're scared I'll hurt someone or myself, but I do have a couple tattoos of whatever. My parents forced me to do homeschool, no I'm doing public at my sisters school. I have 2 sisters, Charli and Dixie. Us three just moved into a house together and today I'm starting school.

I got up and put on black leggings, a Calvin Klein set, a black cropped jean jacket, black high tops, and my hair straight with a black beanie. I went downstairs having occasional Tics and just not giving a fuck. As soon as I said "Let's go" both the girls rushed around grabbing their things before we got into the car. We went to school and got my locker and shit then went to find it. Thy opened it and set it up while I looked around, judging everyone. I started walking away and the girls hurried and caught up to me. We went to my first class and walked in late. I ignored the teacher as I went to the back of the class. My sisters talked to the teacher as I said "Move" to a jock sitting in the back. He said "You wish" as he looked me up and down. I said "Move out of the seat asshole" he said "What you gonna do about it princess." My trigger word, my breathing sped up and I bawled my fists up as he kept teasing me about it. I started Ticing and the voices got louder, telling me to kill him. Finally he said "Looking hot there babygirl" and I lost it and punched him right in the nose. Blood started gushing out and I smiled and laughed then said "Get out of the chair" with gritted teeth as I got closer to him. Dixie rushed over and said "Jordan chill" I said "Dixie they're saying things, and he won't get out." Dixie looked at the kid and said "Just get out" he said "Fuck no" as he stood up to me trying to flex as he asked if I wanna go." Dixie called Charli over and I said "You're dead" and went to jump on him but someone grabbed me and I fought as they pulled me away. They took me out and said "I'm Tayler , you're gonna be okay calm down." I snatched off my beanie and threw it down and started ya king handfuls of hair on my head as I walked around and asked the voices to stop. They just watched as I fell against the wall and slid down with my knees to my chest and I kept asking them to stop as my Tics got worse and I was blurting out the things in my head.

Another guy walked over and talked to Tayler and my sisters them him and Tayler waked over. I started hyperventilating but taking a break between each breathe as I threw my head back and flicked the side of my hands. The guys grabbed me and I was screaming and yelling demonic things in different languages at them and I fought for them to let me go. Kids were peeking out the classrooms and I was still going at it but now I was rolling my eyes to the back of head as I said some ancient language and my arms started shaking. My siblings just followed behind me. I was taken to a empty room and they set me on the ground. They all went to the corner of the room and I just kept going and sometimes you could hear me fighting with my personalities or fighting with the devil. I would scream or something and over time the girls friends were in here talking to her. When I finished I laid there almost dead, I gasped and coughed as I sat up then just sat there for a minute. I got up and looked at everyone and said "What are y'all looking at?" They all looked down or liked away fastly, except this one boy.

We locked eyes and the voice stopped for a second until I looked away. I said "I'm going home" and I started waking out and they just followed. We got into our cars and went inside. We all sat down and the girls introduced me to everyone. I actually got along with Addison she was alright. Everyone talked all day, I'd have my little moments but they didn't seem too bothered. Everyone decided to stay over for the night so everyone fell asleep downstairs. Except me, I don't really sleep, so I'm put into my sound proof one way room that's plain white and has like nothing in it. I was sitting there with my legs going up the wall quietly talking to my personalities when I heard the door opening. I hate being disturbed at night so I threw my head back to look at them as my eyes rolled back to my head and I said "What do you want." A guy said "Seeing what you were doing" it was Chase, my eyes went to normal as he closed the door. I sat up cross crossed and he came and sat next to me.

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