Just the way you are

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This took forever to write but enjoy!- Was

Will couldn't deny his feeling for the son of Hades he was in love with him. He constantly stutters and can't think correctly when he's around him for example Will was bandaging someone's arm and he was supposed to put cream on it instead he put lotion(that was not one of his proudest moments). He loves the way Nico makes him feel and he wants to tell him but he's not to sure how until Austin suggests it to him and that's why he's been practicing for 3 weeks and finally he's got it right. Tonight at the campfire he's going to do it and he's completely nervous.

Nico was just minding his own business(bickering with Percy), doing nothing wrong(smacking Percy in the face) when Percy fell off the ledge of the cabin's roof. He screamed and fell on his arm he sat up and groaned then glared up at Nico.

"Seriously Nico, I tell you the truth and you push me off the freaking roof," Percy yelled.

"I didn't push you off, you fell," Nico stated.

Nico saw Will run over to Percy and help him up.

"What were you thinking? That you could jump off the roof and land on your feet? That's almost impossible and if you did you would have broke your ankles!" Will exclaimed as he helped Percy walk to the infirmary.

"I didn't jump, Nico pushed me!" Percy yelled sending a accusing glare at him.

"You pushed him!" Will yelled turning to look at Nico.

"No," Nico yelled his face starting to feel a little heated.

Will sighed and shook his head,"Nico, come with us I have to talk to you."

Nico rolled his eyes and sighed, "Yes, sir."

When Will was done fixing Percy's broken arm, Percy insisting he's been a good patient and he deserves a lollipop.

"Please, I want a blue one," Percy said eagerly.

"You weren't really a good patient," Will said.

"Yes I was!"

"You claimed you were dying and nobody cared."

"Because you forgot I was here and in pain! You were to busy talking to your boyfriend than taking care of your patient!"

Will's face turned red, "I took care of you didn't I?"

"Yes, now can I get a lollipop and I'll forgive you for ignoring me."

Will sighed, "Ok," he grabbed a basket from inside a cabinet and brought it over to Percy. Percy grabbed a blue one, "Thank you!" And then went skipping out the infirmary. Will then gave Nico 'an hour' lecture on why he shouldn't push people off roofs.

"Why did you push him off?" Will asked with curiosity.

Nico felt his face heating up, he wasn't going to tell him it was because Percy said Will liked him too.

Nico shrugged, "He was being annoying."

And at that moment Percy came back but with Leo in tow dripping wet.

"He stole my lollipop!" Percy yelled sounding like a 5 year old.

"He pushed me in the lake!"Leo yelled pointing at Percy.

"Only because you stole my lollipop!"

"You fell and the lollipop fell on the ground so it wasn't yours!"

"I only fell because you tripped me! And it was still mine!"

"It's not my fault your clumsy!"

The two began yelling and arguing, Will looked at Percy then Leo and back again.

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