29- the chilling tale of Regulus Black

Start from the beginning

Ember quickly jumped up from the floor and threw her arms in the air, "Hah! Take that rat boy! I told you I don't lose- oh hello Glasses- staring contests!"

Peter huffed and handed her a galleon, along with Sirius handing Remus two. Ember shuffled close to Remus and gave him a subtle high-five.

"So-" James started. He motioned his finger around the four. "Blondie and Wormtail had a staring contest and you bet money on it. And everyone just forgot about me!"

"Of course, why the fuck wouldn't we?"

"Awwh, suck it up prongsie!"

"No! Of course not- be quiet you two."

The blonde just shrugged. "I was actually going to take a walk, and then these three came crashing down the halls and told me they needed to prove something about a staring contest. Which, I won." Ember said casually, "Mainly because I'm awesome."

"You are not awesome." Sirius scoffed, throwing his hair back. Though he ultimately failed in the end because it was in a bun. "I am way more awesome."

Remus did an awkward smile and whispered in his ear, "You're really not." Sirius dropped his mouth and huffed.

"I think everyone here is awesome. Not more than me though- can I go on my walk now?" Ember asked them with a smirk.

They allowed the blonde to go on her walk. It was very much needed, with the stress of seventh year, the killings, studying, and even her social life, Ember just needed a break from it all.

The calm winds would surround her in harmony as she stepped out. Her blonde hair flying along with it. It would blow in her face often and she would have to tuck it behind her ear.

It was nice out, nice enough for Ember to wear a large t-shirt, which she didn't realize belonged to James, with shorts.

However, even with the great weather, a young boy, a year under her, sat on the grass. Sporting a jumper and jeans, he was looking up at the sky. Wishing for more, wanting more. Something to not make him feel as numb inside.

The only color that wasn't green or black on him was the yellow and white friendship bracelet he would hide from the people in his house.

"Reggie?" She asked timidly, sitting next to the youngest Black.

He turned to face her with a small smile. After Sirius left, he didn't even dare to approach her in the corridors. If Ember came up to him, he would run. He couldn't risk the same thing happening to him that happened to his best friend. But, there was no running this time.

"Hello Ember." He whispered, looking back up at the sky, "It's a nice day out. If only it wasn't so gloomy everywhere."

"It is isn't it..." Ember muttered. Examining the younger boy. More importantly what looked to be a bruise on his wrist. She shook her head lightly. "Regulus, are you okay?"

He didn't once move to face her after she said that. Not many people asked him if he was okay now. His friends didn't care about the bruises or his nightmares. They would complain if he yelled in his sleep or shuffled to much at night, but never once asked if he was okay.

He bit his lip slightly, "I can't tell."

"You can't tell if your okay or not?" Ember said in a small voice.


"That's okay." Ember said back. "May I see your wrist?"

Regulus seemed taken back by this, but still moved his hand lightly down to where she sat. Finally turning to face her in the process. She took her wand out of her boot, which Regulus flinched at. Ember shook her head. "I'm never going to hurt you."

"Do- do you promise?" He asked. It seemed like a stupid question. But nothing was going correct anymore. His bestfriend left him quicker than anything.

"Episky." The blonde casted. The bruise slowly began to disappear. Ember held out her pinky to him, "of course I promise. Pinky promise even."

"What's that?" Regulus asked, looking down at her pinky with eyebrows raised.

"Oh- I cant explain it. Just hold your pinky finger out to me. It's like sealing a deal or something."

Regulus obliged and lifted his pinky. Ember intertwined them. He smiled at her when they disconnected. "Thank you Em."

"Well of course. Now, I can tell your troubled. And I just happen to be a pretty good venting system. So, vent to me. Tell me what's wrong." Ember spoke softly as she leaned back against the tree the two were sharing.

Regulus took in a deep breath. Honestly, what was wrong with him? Many things. So many things were going wrong. "Everything and anything. Sirius left because my parents are crazy. And ever since he left they've gotten worse. They don't have their child they can a-abuse anymore, so they go for their golden child.

"They aren't meant to do that, abuse me. Bully me. And Sirius wasn't meant to leave. He promised to stay. He said he would stay to protect me and now he's gone. And he won't even look at me or talk to me." Regulus breathed out.

Ember bit her lip lightly and put an arm around him, pulling him into a hug, "everything will be alright, Reggie. If you want or if you feel the need to, you can come stay with me. I'm sure my parents won't mind. And I'm graduating this year!"

Regulus nodded a little. He knew there was no way he was actually going to be able to escape his parents grasp. He would be their obedient servant. He would keep up with want they want and really be the golden child. Even if it was breaking him piece by piece.

 Even if it was breaking him piece by piece

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Reggie deserves sooo much better it's crazy lowkey like lemme kill anyone who DARE hate him

Also double 🙂 update 🙂 today 🙂 because I'm rushing the story at this point with trying to get it out because IVE WROTE SO MUCH kinda? Like I think there's 9 more chapters I've wrote and they are very.... 🙂

🙂 is my favorite emoji it's so passive aggressive.


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