"The order is doing what they can. Don't worry about the ministry, we will handle it, better find away to avoid Umbridge.", the frown on Sirius's face is increasing, "I must go, someone's coming."

With that the fire returned to it's original shape, right on time, as footsteps hurried down the stairs from the boys domitry. The kid, probably a first or second year, stopped at the sight of his seniors kneeling so close to the fire before walking towards the exit as fast as his little feet could carry him.

The three of them quickly stood up again. Outside thunder cracked the silence of the night and rain started to pound even harder against the window. Hermione's eyes were focussed on the darkness outside as a bolt of lightning iluminated her face. Harry wasn't sure what he was supposed to make out of her expression as she begann speaking.

"We've got to be able to defend ourselfs."

Ron and Harry locked eyes before turning towards the female once again.

"And how do you think we gonna do this?", asked Ron.

"Umbridge has eyes and ears everywhere in the castle.", reasoned Harry, "And she's not very fond of us Gryffindors. She is gonna hover over us like a hawk, waiting till we make a mistake."

"Then we find a place outside the castle", argued Hermione. She seemed to form the beginning of a plan in her head. "We can't just sit here and do nothing."

Both boys sighned. She was obviously right. Sitting still while the world around them burned to ashes was never an option but it was easier said than done. They were students and while Harry was sure that many others would welcome the idea of protests against Umbridge's system, the risk was high and the garauntee of success slim. He voiced his concern to his friends, the people he could trust to have his back.

"We're gonna need help.", Ron said and directed a knowing look at them.

"Rebelling against Umbridge? Sounds wicked.", the blonde sat on his bed and looked at the two boys infront of him with interest before nodding to himself, "Count me in."

"Wait really?", Harry wanted to know. He was sure that Naruto would be supportive but-

"That was easy.", voiced Ron his exact thoughts.

"How you guys planning on doing it.", asked Naruto curious. He had very little thoughts against their plan, it was in his blood to fight for what was right and doing absolutly nothing while the enemy gathered forces did not sit right with him.

"Well, 'Mione's talking with Sakura right now."

"That won't be a problem. I'm positive that Sakura-chan will not back down from this challenge."

"Great. We want to collect as many students as we can, from different houses and years. If we want this to be successful we can't cut short in numbers. The more the merrier."

"I'm gonna talk with Sasuke tomorrow, if you don't mind." It was no question, Naruto's tone let them know that no was not an answer for him. Still, Ron voiced his concern.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Not because i don't trust him or anything, it's just that Slytherins never back down from a chance to, y'know-", Ron gestured around with his hand, clearly uncomfortable with what he was saying before shutting his mouth.

Naruto just chuckled at the others reasoning, "Believe me when i say that any secret is save with Sasuke. I know that he looks far from trustworthy and can behave like a real dick, but he is one of the realest friends you'll ever get. Bringing him in is the right thing to do."

"Then we'll do it like that.", said Harry after shacking himself out of shock at the others sincern words, "We should head to bed now. It's been a long day."

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