Chap 17: The End (Part 1)

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Mention of multiple deaths and suicide. Little graphic description. ⚠

Half a year ago.
Katie's family reached their town.

The brown family had reached home at late night and only after completing the bare minimum of cleaning, they had retired to their bed, exhausted from the long journey. However Katie's mind still worked.

'The lights of his house were off all the time... Maybe they slept early... Or they are probably not home... Why couldn't the train reach earlier so I could go and just see him!? Not like I'd spent all the time... Just see if he remembers me...

I can't wait to see him!! It's been too long! And is he is still holding a grudge against me?! Why would he?... Is he still mad at me for not calling him enough?... Not that's absurd!! I have called him and his mother so many more times and neither picked up... Why??... What's happening..?'

With these thoughts she finally went to sleep.

Next morning, she woke up with Mrs. Brown shouting for her to get up.

"Katie!! It's way to late already! Get up!"

Still sleepy, she sleep shouted, "I'm awake! I'll be out in a minute!"

She quickly cleaned herself up and went out to find both her parents cleaning the house. Her  breakfast was covered waiting on the table. So she completed that, washed the dishes and went on to help clean and arrange. Soon it was lunch time and after meal, her parents were too exhausted so they decided to go for a nap.

"Mom? Can I go out to the lake? I'll take the keys along."

"Okay. But return before dark okay? And be careful."

Saying her byes, she went straight to the next door neighbours.

'Wait. There isn't any name plate...' she noticed as she went to ring the door bell.

No response.

She rang again.

No response.

After waiting for a long time she then went to the next door. There was a family of 4 right next door. While the kids were mostly outside, Katie only had interaction with their parents. And the way they acted remained her of her own parents.

"Hello Mr. Jackson. How are you?" she asked politely with a smiling face.

A middle aged man had open the door to Katie. "Oh hello Katie. I am fine thank you. I see you have arrived for your yearly trip. I hope your travel was pleasant? Yes. Come inside."

"Oh thank you very much sir. Yes. The there were no problems along the way here. How's everything here?"

"You know, the usual. Kids are still out for their extra classes and we old folks are waiting for them. You are in college aren't you? How's that? Enjoying your self? Got any boyfriend?"

"Haha! College is fine, I guess but with all the work and club activities, I don't really have time to look for a boyfriend."

"Well you have all your beautiful life ahead of you dear." said Mrs. Jackson, coming out and sitting some cold drinks for her. "There is no rush. Plus, boys are like wine, if you ask me. The older they are the more mature they become and hopefully turn into proper gentlemen. It's better to get a gentleman husband than a no good boyfriend."

"Oi! I was your boyfriend since school days! You saying I was a no good back then?!" bursted Mr. Jackson.

"Yes dear. That is exactly what I am saying. That is why I agreed to marry you when we were 28-30. Thank God you turned to a gentleman by then."

Unable to hold the laughter, Katie nearly spilled her drinks.

"Anyways dear, who's everyone at your house?"

"There are all fine. Um... If you don't mind, I actually came to ask you about something."


"I was wondering if you could tell me about the Smith family from next door?" And suddenly the cheerful atmosphere changed to a gloomy one. She continued to speak, explaining why she wanted to know about them. "See, last year, I had befriended the boy who lived there so I originally wanted to meet him again. But no one responded and the name plate is also removed. Did they leave? Do you know where they went? Or any contact information would be great."

"So Mark was your friend huh?" Mrs. Jackson asked in a low tone. Katie only nodded in response, not liking this atmosphere or their expression. "I'm so sorry to tell you this sweetie, Mark died about 5-6 months ago. And about a month later his mother commented suicide."

"Wh-what...?" Her eyes went wide, breathing became short and unstable, she clunched her fist so tight, her nuckles were white. The information she just received was too big and unexpected to process. She felt all her body go numb to the surroundings as she stared at the couple before her.

"um... He was returning for his classes, walking, when a bus, having a break failure came racing towards him and a few other people... Everything happened to fast... After the accident, he was found spot dead along with 5 others... around 12 were gravely injured... and many with minor injuries...

...because of this, Mrs. Smith was in complete shock... She completely became like a robot you know.... simply doing what had to be done... After his funeral, she didn't come out of her house... We would give her some meals, check on her from time to time. But one day, after a month later, we had to break into the house because she would not answer. And when we went in we found she.... she had poisoned herself..."

The silence that followed was suffocating... pulling the life out of Katie...

"RI-right.... Okay... I... I have to leave..." Katie said, standing up, "It was nice meeting you. I-I'll see you around... Have a good day. Bye..." She had to leave. Mrs. Jackson was calling her, telling her to go straight home, telling her sorry and to take care but she couldn't hear anything. She started to walk faster and faster holding herself off breaking apart, breathing heavily.

She didn't know where she was going but she had to go away... Somewhere... Some place alone...

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